Major General Christopher C. Auger

Major General Christopher Columbus Auger commanded 1st Division, which occupied the center of the Union lines at Port Hudson.  His troops were involved in the Battle of Plains Store on May 21, 1863, and were part of the large scale assaults on the Confederate lines on May 27th and June 14th.  After the battle of May 27th, he was put in command of the entire Union left flank.

Auger was born in 1821 in Kendall, NY.  He was a career army officer, graduating from West Point in 1843.  He was a veteran of the Mexican War, and numerous frontier skirmishes.  He was wounded at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia, in August, 1862.  After the Civil War, he held various command posts in the army until retiring in 1885.  He was the officer in charge of the escort of President Lincoln's body from the Peterson House to the White House after the President's assassination on the evening of April 14, 1865.  Auger retired from the Army in 1885 with the rank of Brigadier General.  He died in 1898 in Washington, D.C.

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