Lieutenant Colonel Paul Lynch Lee

Paul Lynch Lee was the Lieutenant Colonel, or second-in-command of the 15th Arkansas Infantry Regiment (Johnson's) during the regment's service at Port Hudson.  He had previously been the Major of the regiment, and was elected Lt. Colonel when the regiment was reorganized in October, 1862.  On May 25, 1863, he led a detachment of the 15th Regiment detailed to advance in front of the earthworks, which were under construction, and drive back the attacking Union troops, which were hampering work on the fortifications.  After a fierce battle, the Confederates were forced to retreat back within the fortifications.  He was wounded in the leg during the Union assault on May 27th.

After the surrender on July 9, he was sent to Federal prisons camps where he spent the remainder of the war.  After being released, he returned to his home in Camden, Arkansas. He died there on May 9, 1911.


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