Union Soldiers at Port Hudson

Although the Union Army units which participated in the siege of Port Hudson are known, I have found no good sources for lists of the personnel who actually served there.  The following list is relatively small, and consists of the commanding officers, and the names of other officers and soldiers which I have found mentioned in books, letters, and other sources.  The published histories of some of the Union regiments which served at Port Hudson contain complete rosters of the regiment, but I have not added these lists in total, since undoubtedly many soldiers included were not actually present at Port Hudson.   Some of these books do have detailed casualty lists broken down by engagement, which have been a good source of soldiers who fought at Port Hudson.  From these books I have added to the list the names of the men who were killed, wounded, or died of disease as a result of their Port Hudson service.  I have also added two Port Hudson casualty lists which were originally published in the New York Times, on June 13, 1863, and June 29, 1963 respectively.

Following the failed Union assault of June 14, General Nathaniel Banks, the Union commander, issued an order on June 15 calling for 1,000 volunteers to form a special unit which would lead the next assault on the Confederate defenses.  He promised that every man who participated would receive special recognition and a medal, and about 1,000 men did volunteer.  This unit was known as the Forlorn Hope Storming Party.  The volunteers were moved from their respective regiments to a special camp for organization and training.  As it turned out, the Confederates surrendered before the assault was made, so the Forlorn Hope force was never used (and never got their medals).  I found a list of the names of the volunteers, and added them to the list below.

The hot, humid weather and swampy, mosquito-infested environment at Port Hudson proved deadly to the Northern soldiers. The number of Union troops who died due to disease is staggering, and far exceeds the number who were killed in battle or died from wounds.  The Fifteenth New Hampshire Regiment, a nine-month unit, had 32 deaths from combat or wounds, and 151 deaths from disease, 86 of these occurring en route home or immediately after arriving home.  Many more of the sick men died at home later, adding to this count.  Some of the causes of death listed include malaria, diphtheria, typhoid, climatic fever, or simply fever.  Other Northern regiments suffered similarly.

Please bear in mind that the information sources used for this list contain many errors.  Misspelled names and use of alternate spellings for names is very common.

There were reportedly over 30,000 Union troops under General Banks' command at Port Hudson at one time during the siege, so there are plenty of names to be found.   If anyone has names of additional soldiers who are known to have been present during the siege, please send them for inclusion.

The NOTES column refers to actions or events which occurred at Port Hudson or nearby, in the siege timeframe, unless otherwise stated.

The following list is arranged alphabetically by name.  Go here for the list arranged alphabetically by state and regiment.

AbbottDaniel CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AbbottHenrySgt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AbrahamsJamesCookH91st New York Inf. 
AckerStephen RPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Adams?Pvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
AdamsBenjamin FPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
AdamsCharles HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AdamsEdgar ELt.F16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AdamsEdgar GPvt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AdamsHenry SLt.I3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AdamsJohnPvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AdamsMerrill HLt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AdamsVincentPvt.A114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AgnusFelixCapt. 165th New York Inf.Commander, 165th N.Y. after Col. Smith was wounded.
AinsworthIra WCol. 177th New York Inf.Commander, 177th N.Y.
AkinsThomasPvt.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
AlbertMPvt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AlbrechtWilliamPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Aldis, Jr.William HSgt. Maj. 131st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
AldrichEdgar DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 11, 1863.
AldrichEdwin DightonPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
AldrichJohnMaj. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
AlexanderThomasCorp.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AlienJ BPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, slight.
AllcotJohn HMaj. 133rd New York Inf.Commander, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division after Col. Fearing took 3rd Division command.
AllenAlbertPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
AllenEdwardCorp.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AllenFranklinPvt.H49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AllenGeorge WPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
AllenH JCapt. 31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
AllenHarper SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in calf on May 27, 1863.
AllenPhillipPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
AllenStantonLt.K12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AllenTimothyCorp.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AllenTimothyCorp.B175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AllenW IrvingCapt.D31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right shoulder, contusion.
AllenWilliamPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds in Port Hudson, June 29, 1863.
AllisJerrie PSgt.G114th New York Inf. 
AlshJ WPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AlthouseWilliam HPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
AlvordF APvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - flesh wound in shoulder.
AmesAshael HPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
AmesBarnet HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863, slight.
AmesThomas GardnerSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 20, 1863.
AmeyDe Witt CSgt.H161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndersonDanielPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndersonFrank EPvt.H12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndersonGeorgeCorp.B174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndersonJamesPvt.B161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndrewsF LPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
AndrewsGeorgeBrig. Gen. StaffChief of Staff, Dept. of the Gulf.
AndrewsOliver CPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndrewsPhiloPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AndrusThomas BPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AngellJ FrankSgt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
AngusFelixCapt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AnnisDavid LCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease contracted in the service on Dec. 25, 1863.
AnwaerterGeorgePvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ApplebyCharles FPvt.I128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AppletonJohn FCapt.H12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ArlanW SPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ArmisA CPvt.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ArmsteadWilliamPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
ArmstrongDavid HSurgeon 160th New York Inf.Surgeon, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
ArmstrongGeorgePvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
ArmstrongGeorge ECorp.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ArmstrongJPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - killed.
ArnoldFrederick APvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in wrist on May 27, 1863.
ArnoldRichardBrig. Gen. StaffChief of Artillery.
AstenhofferAntonioPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AstenhofferJosephPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AtkinsHenry CPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - lungs, probably mortal.
AtwoodGeorge MCol. 24th Maine Inf.Commander, 24th Maine.
AtwoodRobertPvt.A6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AugurChristopher CMaj. Gen. StaffCommander, 1st Division, XIX Corps.
AugurWilliamPvt.E173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AugusteJaquesPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AumockAbramCorp.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AustinA SPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - severe.
AustinD CCorp.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
AustinEdwin EPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died June 28, 1863.
AustinFrankPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AustinGeorge IPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AustinJohnPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AustinPeterPvt.H91st New York Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
AustinWilliam APvt.D21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hip, May 27, 1863.
AutenreithChristopherPvt.K90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AuwaerterGeorgePvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
AverillPereyLt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
AverillPerry1st Lt.D13th Connecticut Inf. 
AverySylvester HPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 3, 1863.
AyersAugustine RPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
AyersH DPvt.D114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
AyersJ BCapt. 14th New York Cav. 
AyersJoseph G1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.In the hospital sick during most of the siege.
AyresHenryPvt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BabcockWilloughbyLt. Col. 75th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BachAdamPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf. 
BaconE APvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
BaconEdwardLt. Col. 6th Michigan Inf.Commander, 6th Mich.
BaconEdwin CPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BadeauAdamCapt. StaffAide-de-camp to Gen. Thomas Sherman. Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BaggJohnSgt.C114th New York Inf. 
BagleyCharles MPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863.
BaileyBenjaminCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BaileyG PCorp.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Wrist.
BaileyGeorgeCapt. or Lt. 53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
BaileyHerman WSgt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BaileyJonathanPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
BaileyJosephCapt. 4th Wisconsin Inf.Engineer.
BaileyNathaniel WPvt. 22nd Maine Inf.Killed.
BaileyPrusciusPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of disease.
BaileyWPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BainbridgeEdmond CCapt. 1st U.S. Arty., Battery GCommander, 1st U.S. Arty., Battery G.
BainsJ MLt. 1st Vermont Battery 
BakWilliam VanPvt.K128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Baker?Pvt.E52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BakerC LCorp.C173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BakerCharlesPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BakerHiram SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 1, 1863 while en route home.
BakerJamesCorp.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BakerJohnPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BakerJoshua DCorp.F116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BakerNoahPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BakerR TPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
BakerRichardCorp.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BaldwinHerbert CCorp.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BaldwinJ WPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BaleJethroSgt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
BallCharles EPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg amputated.
BallJamesCorp.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BallWillisCorp.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BalleyJPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
BallingGeorge MPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BalshawRichardPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BamfordJosephPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on June 14, 1863.
BancroftHorace DPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BandkaFrederickPvt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Bangs, Jr.Isaac SLt. Col. 9th Corps D'Afrique Inf.Commander, 9th Corps D'Afrique Inf.
BanksNathaniel PMaj. Gen. XIX CorpsCommander, XIX Army Corps, Army of the Gulf.
BarkerJames EPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarkerT EPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed, wound to head.
BarlisonJ BCorp.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarnardEdmund DPvt.C48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BarnesAlbertPvt.B90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarnesJamesCapt. 21st New York BatteryCommander, 21st N.Y. Battery.
BarnesWillisPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarneyAlbert EDrummer 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 12, 1863.
BarneyMathiasPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back.
BarnhartAlbertPvt.C91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BarnumZeraPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarrettIraCorp. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BarrettThomasPvt.H159th New York Inf.Wounded.
BarrettWilliam MCapt. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Commander, 8th N.H.
BarrowsHiram SSgt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarryEdwardCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BarryJamesPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarryRobert CCorp.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarryThomasSgt.A162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarstowJohn LCapt. 8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BarstowThomas ASgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BarterJosephPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
BartiettE SPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BartlettJohn WPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BartlettL CCorp.C4th Wisconsin Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BartlettMilo ACapt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 15, 1863.
BartlettOzias ELt. 21st Maine Inf. 
BartlettS WCorp.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BartlettWilliam FCol. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 49th Mass. Wounded in the arm and foot, May 27, 1863.
BassettChauncy JLt. Col. 1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Commander, 1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.
BassettJames WPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BatchelderDavidPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 13, 1863.
BatchelderGeorge WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on June 13, 1863.
BatemanTPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
BattlesGeorge WPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BattlesJohnPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeachGeorge APvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
BeachHenry LPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in arm on May 27, 1863.
BeachMiles SPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in back on May 27, 1863.
BealeJPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BeamanSamuel BrooksCapt.K53rd Massachusetts Inf.Commander, Co. K.
BeanAlbionPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 31, 1863.
BeanAlvin C2nd Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
BeanLewis SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 16, 1863 at New Orleans.
BeanSidney ACol. 4th Wisconsin Inf.Commander, 4th Wisc. Killed.
BeanWalter WPvt.D15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 23, 1863.
BeanWilliam HPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
BeaneNelsonPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeatonCharles HLt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeatonCharles SLt.E13th Connecticut Inf. 
BeattieSimonPvt.E14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeaucampPeterPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeaufortJean ACorp. 2nd Louisiana Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, around May 20, 1863.
BeaumanPeterPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeaumontFrancisPvt.K12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeckH LLt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GSunstroke, May 27, 1863.
BeckwithGeorgeCorp.C114th New York Inf.Color Bearer, killed on June 14, 1863.
BeckwithLouisLt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeckwithLouisLt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on May 31, 1863, lost a toe.
BecotteJosephCorp. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BeecherHarrisSurgeon 114th New York Inf. 
BeecherMiles JSgt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BeekmanAlbertPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BelcherFrederickPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Right leg amputated.
BelcherT WPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand, slight.
BelcherThomasPvt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BellevilleLorenzoPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Lost an arm at Port Hudson on June 14, 1863.
BellowsDavidPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded.
BellsL CPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - leg.
BelvilleEdwardPvt. 8th Vermont Inf. 
BendenEdwardPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BenedictLewisCol. 162nd New York Inf.Commander, 162nd N.Y.
BenetGeorge APvt.I6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BennesseyWilliamPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BennettEthanPvt.I75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BennettHenryPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BennettJames KPvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BennettJohnPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BensonBenjamin EPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BentleyDavid HPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BentleyFrankCorp.A116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BentlyAdamPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of disease.
BergenThomasSgt.K159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BergerAndrewPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
BergerJohn SPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
BergtoldJacobPvt.B116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BerkholtzLPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BermottSamuelSgt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
BernettFernando BSgt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 15, 1863.
BerryHenry SCorp.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BerryJamesPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in shin.
BerryWilliam MSgt.H12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BerweeksJohn WSgt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BethumEdwardPvt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BetterlyThomas FSgt. 8th Vermont Inf.Deserted in June, 1863.
BetyWilliamPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BevinsChesterPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BickfordMarshallPvt.F116th New York Inf.Died of disease on May 5,1863 at Baton Rouge.
BickmoreA SLt. Col. 14th Maine Inf. 
BickmoreCharles SLt. Col. 14th Maine Inf.Commander, 2nd Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
BidwellJohn WardPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in head on May 27, 1863.
BielAPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BigelowT SPvt.K21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the elbow, May 27, 1863.
BiggsCharles JSgt.C114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
BirgeHenry WCol. 13th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 3nd Brigade, 4th Division. Commanded the volunteer "forlorn hope" storming party which was never used.
BisheeG DCorp.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
BishopDeanPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BishopGeorgeMaj. 6th Corps D'Afrique Inf.Commander, 6th Corps D'Afrique Inf.
BishopHenry FPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BishopIsaac WCorp.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BishopJohnSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 4, 1863 while en route home.
BishopWilliamHosp. Steward 13th Connecticut Inf. 
BishopWilliamPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlackAndrewCorp.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlackJohnPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - foot.
BlackburnJohnPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BlackmanF HSgt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlackmanNiramPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlackwellCharles ELt.H14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlairHenry WLt. Col.B15th New Hampshire Inf.Cmdr, Co. B, 15th N.H. Inf. Wounded in arm on May 27, 1863.
BlaisdellJames H DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 30, 1863 at Port Hudson.
BlaisdellJohn WCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in thigh on June 14, 1863.
BlakeCharles WCapt. 3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Commander, 3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds., after Col. Nelson.
BlakeGeorge RPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BlakeJames WCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 27, 1863.
BlakeJohnPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlakeL RCapt. 4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded/killed?
BlakeLewisMusician 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 22, 1863.
BlakelyThomas RPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlakemanEdson V RPvt.B75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlanchardGeorge WPvt.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
BlanchardJPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded -head and arm.
BlanchardJosephPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds June 21, 1863 at New Orleans.
BlanchardJustus WLt. Col. 162nd New York Inf.Commander, 162nd N.Y.
BlanchardN JCorp.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BlashfieldHenry CPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BlauchardJ MSgt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - lost right eye.
BleisteinAntonPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlinnCharles DCapt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Bliss?Capt.G52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm and lung.
BlissAlvin FSgt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
BlissCharlesPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlissDavid SPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in thigh on May 27, 1863.
BlissGeorge GCapt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BlissWilliam DPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
BloanPatrickPvt.I8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BlodgettGeorgeSgt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BloodJamesPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BloodJohn BPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, slight.
BlouveltJohn WebberPvt. 160th New York Inf.Wounded in foot.
BluflH Sgt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
BluntRobert MCorp. 128th New York Inf.Died of disease on July 2, 1863.
BlytheJonathanPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
BockeeJacob SCapt.B114th New York Inf. 
BogardJamesMaj. 162nd New York Inf.Wounded/killed?
BogardRPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - toe, June 7, accidental.
BogardusFrederickPvt.I159th New York Inf. 
BogardusJasperCorp.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BogueEdmundCorp.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BogueGeorgePvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BohannonClintonCorp.C16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BolanAlbion KMaj. 14th Maine Inf.Major, 2nd Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
BollingerJohn CPvt.G159th New York Inf.Wounded.
BomminEliPvt.F173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BomskyCharlesLt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BonaparteJ. ChaseSgt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease.
BondDaniel ACorp.F116th New York Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
BondHarrisonPvt.F116th New York Inf.Died of disease on June 5,1863 at Baton Rouge.
BondN F1st Lt.D31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right breast.
BonnerSethLt.F26th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoothmanW APvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BootmanCharles E.Sgt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BordenJames EPvt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoruskyCharlesLt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store and died in Baton Rouge on May 25, 1862.
BoswachS MPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion.
BosworthIchabodPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
BourleyTheophilusPvt.E48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BowdenWilsonPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BowersW WPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BowlesCharles ECorp.E91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BowlesJohn WPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
BowmanBenjamin FCorp.E8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BowmanFritzPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoyceJamesPvt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoyceSimon PPvt.K6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoydFrancis ESgt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoydJamesPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 31, 1863; discharged for wounds, March 8, 1864, Baton Rouge.
BoyerJacobSgt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BoynePatrickPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BoyntonRoyalPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 10, 1863.
BrackenMarkPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
Bracton?Pvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BradburyBrianPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed July 7, 1863.
BradburyDexter FPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 19, 1863.
BradburyLewis HPvt.H12th Maine Inf.Wounded, slight, May 25, 1863.
BradfordAlden SSgt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BradfordEdwardCorp.G14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BradfordHenryPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BradleyHenryPvt.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BradleyJohn WSgt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BradleyTheodoreLt. 2nd U.S. Arty., Battery CCommander, 2nd U.S. Arty., Battery C.
BradlyD WSgt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
BradshawGeorgeCorp.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BradyJamesPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Braizer, 2ndJamesPvt.I159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BraleyLester ECapt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Braman?Pvt.E52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded. Leg.
BramanGeorge D CPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed July 3, 1863.
BramillerCharlesPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BrandJohnPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrannerSebastianPvt.G116th New York Inf.Died in hospital, May, 1863.
BranningGeorgeCapt. 14th New York Cav.Commander, 14th N.Y. Cav.
BransonCharlesPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BraumwalderDanielPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
BrayWilliamPvt.A24th Connecticut Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
BrazierJames SCorp.I159th New York Inf.Wounded.
BreedEdward EliasPvt.A114th New York Inf. 
BremenJohnPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm and shoulder, May 27, 1863.
BrenchleyWilliamPvt.E116th New York Inf.Died of disease on June 5, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
BrengardnerAugustPvt.G116th New York Inf.Died of disease on July 1,1863 at New Orleans.
BrennaJamesPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrennanJohnPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrennanPatrickPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrennenJohnCapt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
BrennerSebastianPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died May 28, 1863.
BrennisonCharlesPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf. 
BretcherJosephPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BrettAlonzo WPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in side on May 27, 1863.
BrewerSylvesterCorp.K128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrewerWallacePvt. 128th New York Inf.Captured, June 27, 1863.
BridgesEdward FPvt.K159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BridgesG WSgt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BriggsEdwin A.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
BriggsHiram J.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf. 
BriggsJosephPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BriggsMarcus HPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded on June 12, 1863.
BrighamH DPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BrillDavid NelsonCorp.C8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 28, 1863.
BrillJacobPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BrindleyOzlasCorp.F116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BrinkerhoffJPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BristolDavidPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BristolFrank CPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BristolHenry APvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
BrittonDanielSgt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the mouth, May 27, 1863.
BrittonJPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, bad.
BroadEzraPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BroadheadAbramPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded.
BrochaStephenPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
BrocherHenryPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BrokeeJohn RPvt.F159th New York Inf.Mortally wounded.
BroneA JCorp.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot
BrooksCrowill HLt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
BrooksFrankPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
BrooksJohn DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BrooksJohn DSgt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrooksShubel A1st Lt.C114th New York Inf. 
Broomicher?Pvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
BroughamJamesPvt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrowerCharlesCorp.F128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownAPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
BrownA JCorp.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - left ankle.
BrownCPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BrownC LSgt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 -thigh.
BrownCharles APvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded severely on May 27, 1863.
BrownCyrus CPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist, slight.
BrownDavid HPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownEdwardPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownEugeneCorp.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
BrownGeorge ELt.A22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownGeorge WPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BrownHenry NPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 3, 1863 while en route home.
BrownJacobPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownJames HCorp.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BrownJames MPvt.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownJohn HPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownJohn HPvt.C48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BrownJohn JPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownJohn MPvt.E38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
BrownJoseph EPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Lost several fingers of left hand on June 14, 1863.
BrownMilton SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 5, 1863.
BrownPatrickPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownRichardCookC91st New York Inf. 
BrownS EPvt. 48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BrownSylvanusPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on June 10, 1863.
BrownValcourPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrownW KPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BrownWillis HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 14, 1863.
Brown, Jr.JosephPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 11, 1863.
BrowningEdward PPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 23, 1863.
BrowningSilas WPvt. 53rd Massachusetts Inf. 
BrownleeJamesPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
BrownleyD PPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
BrundageHenry ASgt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BrundageWebsterPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BrurlueSPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
BrushJohnPvt.K159th New York Inf.Wounded.
BrustCharles1st Sgt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
BryanMichael KCol. 175th New York Inf.Killed.
BryantC HPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - both legs.
Bryce, Jr.John APvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the arm and side, May 27, 1863. Right arm amputated.
BuckFrederickSgt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BuckleyJohnPvt. 1st U.S. Arty., Battery LWounded mortally, May 24, 1863.
BuckleyRobertSgt. 25th Connecticut Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BuckleySeymourPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BuhrmanJacobPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
BullardAlbert FLt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
BullockWilliam W.Lt. Col. 30th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 30th Mass.
BumpWilliamCorp.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
BurbickCyrusPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 7, 1863 while en route home.
BurdickCaleb HPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the hand.
BurdickMileySgt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
BurgartUlrichPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurgessAsaPvt.C16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurkeGeorgePvt.K1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurkeJPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the ankle, May 27, 1863.
BurkeJohn ESgt.B162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurkeJoseph JPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurkeMichaelPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurkePPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
BurleyHorace APvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 30, 1863 while en route home.
BurnettWarrenPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the thigh.
BurnhamBenjamin FMusician 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 7, 1863 while en route home.
BurnhamCyrusPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 5, 1863.
BurnsB FPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder and leg.
BurnsThomasPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863
BurrettG BPvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head and foot.
BurrisWilliamPvt.B131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BurtCharles ALt. Col. 159th New York Inf.Commander, 159th N.Y.
BurtonNPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
BushJohn WPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shin.
BushWilliam APvt.K161st New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
BusherWilliam LSgt.E14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
BusheyJosephPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ButlerGeorge FPvt. Unk.Killed.
ButlerGeorge HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed July 2, 1863.
ButterfieldHenryPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 11, 1863.
ButterfieldHenry JrPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ButtleRichard WLt.D133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ButtsHershell SPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
ByrnJ VPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ByrneJ BSgt.C173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ByrneJames S.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in thumb.
CaduganAugustusPvt.I116th New York Inf.Engaged at Plains Store, May 21; at Pt. Hudson, May 27 & June 14.
CageJohn JSgt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CaillouxAndreCapt. 1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CaldwellWilliam SCorp.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CalkinsWallacePvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died June, 1863 in New Orleans.
CalkinsWilliam HSgt.I114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CallLeviPvt.R52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CallWilliamPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CallaghanWilliamPvt.F159th New York Inf.Wounded.
CallananPatrickPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CallenderGeorge EPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CallorJames HSgt.E175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CalwellJamesPvt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
CamenJPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
CameronCharlesPvt.B131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CameronJamesPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died Jan. 5, 1864.
CamesB LPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
CampJonahPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 6, 1863 while en route home.
CampbellJ NPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CampbellJames FCorp.D165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Capron?Pvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - jaw.
CapronEd CPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - face, slightly.
CarbeeCharlesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863.
CardleJamesPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
CareyJamesCorp.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
CareyPatrickPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Killed on June14, 1863.
CarlanJamesPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded, missing.
CarleClement YSgt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarleHenryCorp.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarleyStephen WPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CarllVan BurenPvt.B22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarmodyConPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Wounded on May 27, and died on July 23, 1863.
CarnesPatrickPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarpenterCharles APvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CarpenterGeorge NSgt. Maj. 8th Vermont Inf. 
CarpenterJesseCorp.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
CarpenterSeymour DPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarrEron YMusicianA116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
CarrGouverneurMaj. 165th New York Inf.Wounded.
CarrJamesPvt.G91st New York Inf.Missing in action, June 14, 1863.
CarrJamesPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CarrNormanPvt.A116th New York Inf.Musician. Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
CarrollMPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
CarrollThomasPvt.H174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarrollThomasPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CarrollThomas SCorp.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the finger.
CarruthRLt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip, slight.
CarsonJohnCorp.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
CarsonJoseph BLt. 13th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarsonWilliamPvt.G91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CarterC PembrokeSgt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarterGeorge WPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg and arm.
CarterJohn MSgt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
CarterJosephPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarterJoseph WCorp.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CarverT CPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CaryEdwardPvt.H31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
CaseIsaac WCapt.H22nd Maine Inf.Quartermaster, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
CaseJamesCorp.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CaseyWilliam BPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CassidyJohnPvt.C165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CassidyThomasCorp.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
CateJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 8, 1863.
CateL FPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
CazainierCamilePvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CeressolleOctavePvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Ch???dicrHenry OPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - cheek.
ChadbourneD SCorp.C22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChadwickJerre E1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
ChadwickPhiladner BPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChafferGeorge RPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - serious.
ChamberlainM DSgt.D114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ChamberlainS APvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, slight.
ChamberlinAsherPvt.H116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
ChamberlinEdwin MLt. 12th Massachusetts BatteryCommander, one section, 12th Mass Battery.
ChamberlinJ APvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, bad.
ChampanelEdmondPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChamrpneyWin LCorp.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ChandlerJ SCorp.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back and shoulder
ChapinEdward PCol.Staff116th New York Inf.Cmdr. of 1st Brigade, 1st Division. Killed on May 27, 1863.
ChapmanAlbert BSgt.C6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChapmanGalen ACorp.D21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CharlesIsidorePvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChaseGeorge GSgt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ChaseJ EPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChatardEmilePvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChattleNoahPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CherryPeterPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CheshireJonasCorp.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChickeringThomas ECol. 41st Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 41st Mass. (3rd Mass. Cav.). Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChidesterJackPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm and neck.
ChiefferleJacobPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
ChilcottOwenPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ChildsGeorgePvt.C91st New York Inf.Killed on May 28, 1863.
ChislinHerbertPvt.G114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ChittendenCharlesCorp.D116th New York Inf.Died in hospital, May, 1863.
ChittendenCharlesCapt Unk.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ChrismanSilasPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
ChristianChristianPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ChristmanJacob HCorp.E159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ChurchAlmon SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 29, 1863.
ChurchStephen CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 3, 1863 while en route home.
ChurchillRobert PSgt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ChurchillTheodoreSgt.D162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClancyGeorgePvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClappDaniel WPvt.A116th New York Inf.Died of disease on June 5, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
ClappFranklin CPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf. 
ClapperCharles APvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ClareyThomasPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClarkD LPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
ClarkEdwin J LPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on June 16, 1863.
ClarkFranklinPvt.E25th Connecticut Inf. 
ClarkHenry RPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the side, May 27, 1863.
ClarkHiram EPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in head on May 27, 1863.
ClarkJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 11, 1863.
ClarkJohn SCol. StaffOn Gen. Banks' staff. Wounded, Mar., 1863.
ClarkLewis CPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion.
ClarkOrtonLt. Staff 
ClarkSidney ECapt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
ClarkThomas SCol. 6th Michigan Inf.Commander, 6th Mich.
ClarkWilliam EPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClarkWilliam LPvt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ClarkeSamuel WSgt.H21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClarksonArthurPvt.K160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClaryC HPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ClaryF AColor Sgt.D31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ClaryGeorgeAsst. Surgeon 13th Connecticut Inf.Staff - "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
ClathertyJPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ClayF MPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Sunstruck.
CleamaterAbDrummerD53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
ClearyFrancisSgt. 31st Massachusetts Inf.Mortally wounded.
CleghornHenry DCorp. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died Aug. 1, 1863 while en route home.
ClementJos FSgt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CliftHorace4th Sgt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the shoulder.
ClintonDewittPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863.
ClintonJamesPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ClintonWilliamPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ClossonHenry  1st U.S. Arty., Battery LCommander, 1st U.S. Arty., Battery L.
CnilcottOPvt.D.116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand and breast, May 27, 1863.
CnowleyDPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
CobbS Sgt.K21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
CobbWilliam MCorp.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CobbsG SSgt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
CoburnJames ELt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the bowels, May 27, 1863. Died in hospital.
CochanHenryCapt.K173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CogginsDavid GPvt.E38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
CogginsJPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
CogswellThomas, Jr.Capt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
CohenPatrick HPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CohnAlexanderSgt.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CojerWilliam JPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColbyFrank APvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 23, 1863.
ColbyRichard JPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColbySeth PPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColeAddison ACorp.I116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand and side, May 27, 1863.
ColeAlbertPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColeAndrewPvt.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColeDanielPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 6, 1863.
ColeDavid BPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColePercy B SCorp.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColemanWilliam JPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ColesG WCorp.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back.
ColesSeymour NPvt.G8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CollierJ RPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
CollierMadison MPvt.E161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CollinsPeter GCorp. 128th New York Inf.Wounded and died from wounds on June 17, 1863.
ColvinIsaacPvt.A116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party. Died of disease on Aug. 23,1863 at Baton Rouge.
ColwellThomas ESgt.H159th New York Inf.Killed.
ComePeterPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ComstockApollosCapt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 13th Conn. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ConantA JPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - face, slight.
ConantCharles ECorp.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - severe.
ConeEdward RSgt.C91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CongerDaniel C1st Sgt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand and foot, May 27, 1863.
ConklinCharlesPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
ConleyPatrickPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 15, 1863.
ConnellySamuelPvt.G14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ConnolyPatPvt.B52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ConnorF HSgt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ConnorPPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ConnorsDanielPvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ConrayPeterPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
Constantine?Sgt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - hand, accident.
ConstantineCharles JPvt.A12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ConverseEdwinPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ConwayMLt.E173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
CookAndrewPvt.A116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CookCharles HPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in chest on May 27, 1863.
CookEleazarPvt.H52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, by spent ball, and leg by spent shell, not serious.
CookHenryPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 15, 1863 while en route home.
CookJohnCorp.I159th New York Inf.Missing June 14, 1863.
CookJohnCapt. 91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CookSamuel LSgt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CookWilliam PPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CookeJohnCapt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CoonWilliamPvt.I159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CooneysRussell WPvt.H177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CoopeAdelbert FCorp.K114th New York Inf.Clerk in Adjutant's office.
CooperJohnPvt.A12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CoopereWilliamPvt.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CopelandG H1st Sgt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head and breast.
CoppernollLeviPvt.B75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CorbettPeterPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CorbinH P2nd Lt.G114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CordenJohnCapt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
CorlissAugustus WLt. Col. 2nd Rhode Island Cav.Commander, 2nd R.I. Cav.
CorniceLawrencePvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 16, 1863.
CorwellE BPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CosgroveEdwardCorp.I159th New York Inf.Wounded.
CosgroveJamesPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CostelloPatrickPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CosterMoses DePvt.D177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CostilyouWilliam SSgt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CottierElisha BLt.K116th New York Inf.Died of disease at Baton Rouge on Aug. 21, 1983.
CottleEdmondPvt. 4th Massachusetts Inf. 
CourtneyThomasCorp.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CousinkHenryPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CovensparrowDanielPvt.A116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party. Died of disease on Aug. 17,1863 at Baton Rouge.
CowanJ FPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
CowlesDavid SCol. 128th New York Inf.Commander, 128th N.Y. Killed on May 27, 1863.
CowlesEthan HPvt.B31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CowlesJohn RPvt.A6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CoxClaytonCapt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty. 
CoxGeorge DCorp.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CoyGeorge ECorp.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CoyleMichaelPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - knee, severe.
CraadonJohnPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CramCharlesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 25, 1863.
CrammJohn PPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CrammerWPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
CramphinGeorgePvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
CrandonS1st Sgt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
CraneA DSgt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
CranstonWilliam HCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CrareyJohnPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CrawfordA Sgt.K21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
CrawfordDanielPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CrawfordWilliam BPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CrismanSilasPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CrockerByronPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CrockerHenry WPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
CrockettOtis GCorp.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CroleyRichardSgt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Cromer (Cramer)GeorgeCorp.A91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CronkGeorgePvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CronkR RPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest.
CrosbyDavidPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
CrosbyDixy JPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, slight.
CrosbyHenryCapt. 22nd Maine Inf.Wounded.
CrossEdw WPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, slight.
CrowellBenjPvt.E48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
CrowellCharles SPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CrowellThomas ESgt.H159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
CrowellWarren TLt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CrowleyJeremiahPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in finger and knee.
CrowtherLong B.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at New Orleans, Aug. 28, 1863.
CrydenwiseHenry MSgt.A90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CryerJ JPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
CullenJohnPvt.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CulverCharlesPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CunninghamJ CPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
CunninghamJohnPvt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CunninghamMichaelPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CurranThomasPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
CurrieLeonardCol. 133rd New York Inf.Commander, 133rd N.Y. Wounded in both arms on June 14, 1863.
CurrierJohn SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 2, 1863.
CurryGeo LPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
CurryPatrick SSgt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CurtinTimCorp.J48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
CurtisOscarPvt.B160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CurtisOscar HCapt.A114th New York Inf.Promoted to Major after death of Col. Smith
CushmanFrancis CPvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
CusickRobertCorp.D174th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
CutlerGeorge HPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DaceyDaniel CCorp.A16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DaffyThosCorp.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
DaileyFrederick CPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Died of disease 24 August, 1863.
DaileyGeorge WPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DaileyJohnPvt.C14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DaileyMichael FPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
DaleyJohnPvt.H159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DaleyM FPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
DallisWilliamPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DallyWillamCorp.G90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DaltonJohnPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DalySimonPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DanaJohn WLt. Signal CorpsSignal Officer
DaneWilliamPvt. 41st Massachusetts Inf.Killed.
DanielHenry DPvt.C116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DanielsCharlesLt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DappinJPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DarbyJohnPvt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DarbyWilliamCorp.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DarlingHenry ALt. 25th Connecticut Inf.Post Commissary.
DasheJohn JPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DaubPhilipCorp.K175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DauforthJ CPvt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
DavidsonAndrew HSgt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DavidsonC MSgt.H128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DavidsonGeorge MCorp.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DavisC MCorp.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
DavisCharlesPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DavisE HPvt.E52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded, foot.
DavisH H Pvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
DavisHanson APvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in foot on June 15, 1863.
DavisHenry HCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DavisHorace FPvt.E30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DavisLuther MPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DavisSamuelPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DavisWilliam RCorp.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Davis Marshall KPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DawsonGeorgePvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in foot on May 27, 1863.
DawsonJohn HPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DayAlfred EPvt.F6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DayEdward OPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, severe.
DayJames HPvt.K12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the wrist, slight, May 25, 1863.
DayNicholas WLt. Col. 131st New York Inf.Commander, 131st N.Y.
DayWesley HWagoner 8th Vermont Inf.Wounded July 7, and died on July 12, 1863.
DcoketTPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
De La PaturelleHonoreCapt.E90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DeaconGeorge TPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DealNicholasPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
DeanClement RCorp.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DearbornCharles WCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DeckerJacobPvt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
DeckerJacob EPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DecklynGeoSgt.H133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
DeflandreEugenePvt.D165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DeforestJohn WilliamCapt. 12th Connecticut Inf. 
DegenHenry DQuartermaster 50th Massachusetts Inf. 
DegnanRichardPvt.H133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DegruyEugenePvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DegsDaniel BSgt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DelamaterEdwardPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DelamaterJohn LPvt.D128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DelandFrederich NPvt. 40th Massachusetts Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, May 27, 1863.
DelanoO BPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
DelongPeterPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DemarquisLeonardPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DemerlyJacobPvt.F116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DemingBurton D1st Lt.H49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DenierAnthonyPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right leg.
DennisonElisha EPvt.B165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DentonB FLt.A133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DerinsbourgFrederickPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DeschampBPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
DeshJohnCorp.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds June 15, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
DespajaeFrancoisPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
DestinAndrewPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded, slight .
DetrichEugenePvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DevaneyPat.Pvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DevaneyPatrickPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulded on June 14, 1863.
DevanneyPPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder
DeverEdwPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
DevinePatrickPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DevlinWilliamPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DewarDuncanPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
DewittEdgar LPvt.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DiamondWilliam2nd Lt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DibbleHenry CSaddler 14th New York Cav.Wounded on June 15, 1863, lost a leg.
DicinsJohn WSgt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DickeyWilliamLt. 6th Michigan Inf.Gen. Dwight's staff.
DickinsonAugustus EPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Taken prisoner at Jackson Cross Road on June 20, 1863 and was not heard from afterwards.
DicksonGeorge TPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DictonSilasPvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DiemertLewisPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DietsMathewPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DikeHPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DillinghamCharlesLt. Col. 8th Vermont Inf.Commander, 8th Vt.
DillonGarret FSgt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DillonJamesPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DillonJohnPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DingaeJames HPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DinghamJohn H1st Sgt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DionisiousEPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DixonJosiah CCorp.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DobbinJohnPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
DodgeJosephPvt.A50th Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 26, 1863.
DodgeS WPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arms and leg
DolanJohnPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DolanJohnPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DolleyJamesCorp.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - mortally.
DomJPvt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DonahoeJPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DonahuyePeterPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DonellGeorgePvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DonnallyHughPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DonnellFred O1st Sgt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
DonnellyJohnPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DonnellyPeterPvt.F156th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DonnellyThomas FSgt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DonohueMichaelDrummerA165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DonovanJamesPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DonovanPatPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right ankle, contusion.
DormerJohnPvt.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DornbackOttoPvt.C175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DorrPeterPvt.D6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DorsonJackPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DotyJosephSgt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
DoughertyJPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DoughertyJohnSgt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DoughertyThoaPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DouglassIsaac RPvt.A12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DouglassWilliamPvt.F21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Douglass, Jr.BenjaminPvt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DousenJohn VanPvt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DowHenry BPvt.H6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DowJ MPvt.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
DowNealBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division. Wounded on May 27, 1863, and later taken prisoner by Confederates.
DowdJPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast, Mortal.
DowdSolomonPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital.
DowleyGeorgePvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DownesEPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
DownesIPvt.F49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
DowningJos MPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DownsJ EdsonPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
DownsPeter TPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DoyleDennisSgt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DoyleGeorgePvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
DoyleWilliamPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
DrakeW HPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - neck.
DranerCharlesSgt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DresserEdson FLt.F49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DrewCharles WCol. 4th Louisiana Nat. Grds.Commander, 4th Louisiana Nat. Grds.
DreyLouis LPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DruckhammerGustavPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DrummMPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
DuBoisCesarPvt. 13th Massachusetts BatteryVolunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DuboiseCharlesPvt.B12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DucharmeEdwardSgt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DudadeD TPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
DudleyNathan A MCol. StaffCommander, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division.
DuesburyWilliam NPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in the leg on June 14, 1863.
DuffThomasPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DuffWilliamPvt.F91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DuffyJohnPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DuffyThomasPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DugalLeonard LCorp.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DuguCharlesSgt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunahoeTPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
DunbarB FPvt.D21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - abdo'n.
DunbarEverett SSgt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunhamAustinPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863, slight.
DunlapA JCorp.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded and missing.
DunlayPatrickCorp.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunnDaniel WPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunnJamesPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunnMichaelPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
DunnMichaelPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunnMichael HSgt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DunnWilliamPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DunnWilliamCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
DuplesisLevere LPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 10, 1863.
DupuyJosephPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DurantGeorge WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in wrist on June 14, 1863.
DurbamD JCorp.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the knee, May 27, 1863.
DuressJohnSgt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DurginDaniel VPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 at Port Hudson. Died of wounds at Baton Rouge, June 25, 1863.
DurginHenry JMusicianH8th New Hampshire Inf. 
DuryeaRichard CCapt. 1st U.S. Arty., Battery FCommander, 1st U.S. Arty., Battery F.
DustinWilliam WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863, slight. Wounded on June 11, 1863 and died on July 21, 1863.
DustonCharles  6th Michigan Inf. 
DutcherJ WPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
DwightWilliamBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 2nd Division, XIX Corps, after Sherman was Wounded on May 27.
DwyerAPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
DyerHadley PSgt. 21st Maine Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
DyerPeterPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DyerPeterPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
DykemanWilliam GCorp.H116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
EaganWalterPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EarlIsaac NLt.C4th Wisconsin Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EarlJ WCorp.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
EarleC GSgt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EaslandDavidPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
EastmanJPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - neck.
EastmanMoses EPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 27, 1863 while en route home.
EatonA PPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
EatonC HCorp.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
EatonCharles H.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Taken prisoner on June 14, 1863.
EatonE LPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
EatonRansomPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on May 26, 1863.
EatonStephenLt. Signal CorpsSignal Officer.
EavesSamuelPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EddyRobert N1st Sgt.K114th New York Inf. 
EdmondsSamuelPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
EdwardDavidPvt.K38th Massachusetts Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
EdwardHenryPvt.D165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EdwardsB JPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast, slight.
EdwardsRichard MPvt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EganBarneyPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
EgloffJohnPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
EhrlacherEdwin TPvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EiseleWilliam FPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EisemannJohnCorp.D133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EldersJamesPvt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EldridgeH LPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
EldridgeJohnPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ElfisChristianPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the knee and month, May 27, 1863.
ElkinsJonathanPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on May 29, 1863.
EllingAbLt. 53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
ElliottByronPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died June 5, 1863.
ElliottG MPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ElliottJosephPvt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EllisBenjaminPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863.
EllisFreemanPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
EllisLouis FLt.I131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EllisStephenPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
EllisonEdwardPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EllmandorphRichardCorp.D156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EllyJamesPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoul'r.
EltonTOrd. Sgt.B173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Elwood?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
EmerichPeterCorp.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EmersonAlvaCorp.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EmersonCharlesLt.I174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EmersonCharlesCorp. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
EmeryEzra HPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 10, 1863.
EmeryM DPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the side, May 27, 1863.
EmmerickBalthasarPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EmperorJohnCorp.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EndersHarry HSgt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
EngelJohnPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EnnisJCorp.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
EnnsonEugene ELt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EnosAlbroPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - leg.
EnosHenry WSgt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ErnestLPvt.E173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ErnhoutStephenPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ErskinePat.Pvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded in head on June 14, 1863.
ErwinTimothy NPvt.G22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EttingerJohnPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
EuoH WPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
EvansClarkCorp.A161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
EvansJohn WPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in side on May 27, 1863.
EvansLyman BPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Wounded on May 27, and died on Sept. 13, 1863.
EvansWilliamPvt. 50th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
EverettCharlesLt. Col. 2nd Louisiana Inf.Cmdr. of 2nd. La. Inf. Regt. Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
FaddenWarren CPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
FaganChristopherCorp.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FaganJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FahyJohnPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FaixAdamPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
FalanMartinPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip, slight.
FalesEugene HLt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FalesWilliam BPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 18, 1863.
FalklingGotleibPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FancherGeorge ESgt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FaneufGeorge NPvt.F8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FarewellJason CPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
FarnumWalter BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 16, 1863. Was Wounded on May 26, 1863.
FarrSaml FPvt.21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
FarrarF FPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - flesh wound in arm.
FarrellCPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - arm.
FarrellJohnPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
FarrellJohn HPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
FarrellL PPvt.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FarringtonCalvinPvt.B48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
FarringtonSeymour ASgt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FarrowAlonzo LCorp.D21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Farry?Pvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
Fearing, Jr.HawkesCol. StaffCommander, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division. Took command of 3rd Division when Gen. Paine was wounded.
FedickNicholasPvt.K116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FedricJohnPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
FeeJohnPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FeigheryJohnPvt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FelickGPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - finger.
FelixRobertCorp.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the breast, May 27, 1863.
FellowsIsaacSgt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - neck.
FellowsWilliam CPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of disease.
FeltonHarveyPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FeltsAlbert PPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FennimoreWilliamCorp.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FergusonJohnSgt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FergusonJohn HCorp.F159th New York Inf.Wounded.
FergusonJohn RPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FergusonL SPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
FergusonWilliamPvt.G162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FernaldW HPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
FernandezFranicsPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FeroDanielPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FerrinE L Sgt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hip and head, May 27, 1863.
FerrinThomas FPvt.E8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FerrisF CPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
FerrisSamuel PCol. 28th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 28th Conn. Later Commander, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division.
FerryAlbert EPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in a finger on June 14, 1863, finger amputated.
FessendenAnsonCapt. 53rd Massachusetts Inf. 
FessendenW BPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder, slight.
FetickGeorgePvt.K116th New York Inf.Injury from fall, May 27, 1863.
FifeWilliamPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 4, 1863.
FilbertLouis ECorp.C116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
FineglassDavidCol. 3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds. 
FinickWilliamPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FinkJohn DSgt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FinleyDenison HCapt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FinnJosephPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FishJ WPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
FishLatham ALt.E174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FisherCharlesPvt.C116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FisherDPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FisherPercyPvt.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - root.
FisherPhillipPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - bullet wound in hand.
FiskAlbertPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
FiskeEdward ACapt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FiskeWilliam OLt. Col. 1st Louisiana Inf.Commander, 1st La.
FitchFrankPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FitchLewis ESgt.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FittsJames FranklinCapt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - abdomen.
FitzgeraldGarrettPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
FitzgeraldJohn MPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
FitzgeraldMPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
FitzgeraldMPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
FitzgeraldMichaelPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
FitzpatrickCorneliusPvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FitzpatrickFPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
FitzpatrickPatrickPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FitzpatrickThomasPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FlaggG HSgt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
Flaherty?Sgt.K48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
FlahertyTCorp.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - bowels, mortal.
FlaischmanKPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
FlandersG ACapt.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - eye.
FlanneryThomasPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 24, 1863.
FleckerFrankPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
FlemingJohnSgt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FlemingSolomonPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FletcherA WPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1863
FletcherH JLt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
FletcherThomasPvt.G174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FlintAbner NCorp.G8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FlintHorace PSgt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FloodHenryPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FloodPeterPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
FlynnPeterPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - knee.
FlynnWilliam JPvt.E38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - ankle.
FlytayAPvt.I12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 24, 1863.
FogartyWilliamPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the thumb and leg, May 27, 1863.
FogleM PCorp.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FoleyDennisPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in hand on May 27, 1863.
FoleyPatrickPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
FollansbeeC EPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - both legs and missing.
FollansbeeJoseph EPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 7, 1863.
FontaineGeorgePvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
FooteRobert BCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
ForbesJamesPvt.C31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, died.
ForbesJames M Sgt.D116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
FordAbsolamPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 4, 1863 while en route home.
FordJ P1st Sgt.K48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
FordJames ECorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
FossJohn FCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on May 27, 1863.
FossettT HPvt.I21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the stomach, May 27, 1863.
FosterAugustus EPvt.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
FosterHenry JAdjutant 133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
FosterJames LPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 16, 1863.
FosterJames PMaj. 128th New York Inf. 
FosterOscar BPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FoucheOttoCorp.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FountainA VSgt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
FowlerThomasMaj. 53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - severely.
FoxHenry FPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FoxLesterSgt.C6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FoxNicholasPvt. 28th Connecticut Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, June 14, 1863.
FranceF LPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Thumb.
FrancisFrederick ALt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
FrancisJohnPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Recovered from wounds and fell ill en route home and died in Aug., 1863.
FraneyPatrickPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FrankBartholomaPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FranzJosephCorp.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FrateEdwin DePvt.C91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FrazerJohnPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FrederickAPvt.I12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 24, 1863.
FreedJohnPvt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
FreemanBaskinSgt.F161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FreemanCarlos DPvt.F4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 11, 1863, died in hospital in Baton Rouge on June 17, 1863.
FreemanGeorge APvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
FrenchG BCorp.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shl'dr.
FrenchG CSgt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
FrenchJ JPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FrickJosephSgt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FriendWilliamPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in hand.
FrissellC SCorp.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
FritsJulesCorp.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FritterSimeonPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FromemillerLorenzoPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - arm amputated.
FromwillerLorenzoPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
FronchL BPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
FrostAbramPvt.A3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FrostSpencerCorp.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder, slight.
FrostWPvt.B48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
FrotishLouisCorp.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FryGuzonsPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - foot.
FryJohnPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FulfordL NPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
FullagerIsaac WCorp.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FullerArchelausSgt.G14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FullerCharles JCapt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FullerJames KCapt.C133rd New York Inf.Commander, 133rd N.Y. after Col. Currie was wounded. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
FullerJohn CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Missing in action, May 27, 1863.
FullerYannessSgt.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
FullertonStewart M GPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in shoulder on May 27, 1863.
FunkDavidPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head and shoulder.
FunkGeorgePvt.E116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
FunkLutherPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
FurbushLukePvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died on steamer on July 29, 1863 while en route home.
FurnessMichaelPvt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded.
GaffnayFrancis JPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GaffneyMichaelPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GageDan BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 1, 1863 while en route home.
GaileyT SPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
GaleHoraceSgt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GaleJohn HPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GaliceClementPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallJohnPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallagherEugenePvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallagherJamesPvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallagherJamesPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallagherJohnPvt.G159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
GallagherThomasPvt.C48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
GallagherWilliamPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallentineCharles WPvt. 7th Illinois Cav. 
GalliperJohnPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
GallmanHenryPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Galloway?Maj. 173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GallupJohn JPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GallupLorenCapt. 26th Connecticut Inf. 
GallwayA PowerMaj. 173rd New York Inf.Commander, 173rd N.Y. Mortally wounded.
GalvinTimothyPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
GammonW JLt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly wounded.
GammonsWarrenPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GamwellJohn MCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
GardinerWilliam HLt.G14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GardnerCharlesSgt.H174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GardnerJamesPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
GardnerJosephPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GardnerWilliam C2nd Lt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GarholtAugustusPvt.K159th New York Inf.Missing June 14, 1863.
GarinCharlesPvt.H133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GarlandJohnPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the face, May 27, 1863.
Garnsey?Capt. 2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store.
GarraJohn DPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
GarrisonAbramCorp. 6th Michigan Inf. 
GarrityPatrickPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GarrityPatrick HCorp.H91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GarveyThomas JPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GawleyRichardPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GayCharlesPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GayH H Pvt.G21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the eye, May 27, 1863.
GayJamesPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GayMosesCorp.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GaylorNewtonPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GaylordCharles HSgt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GeerGeorge LSgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
GeerJ WPvt.G21st Maine Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
GentienPeterPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GentneyMPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
GermainJames WPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
GerrickEdward Sgt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
GerryJohnPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in hand.
GerzeAdamPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GeyerJCorp.G21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the bowels, May 27, 1863.
GibbsAlbeitPvt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
GibbsJ SPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand and arm.
GibsonC HPvt.D21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the eye, May 27, 1863.
GibsonFentonPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm off, May 27, 1863.
GibsonG FPvt.A2nd Rhode Island CavalryWounded in the back badly, May 24, 1863.
GibsonGeorge WSgt.G162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GibsonWilliam HCorp.A91st New York Inf.Captured on May 25, 1863.
GiehlGeorgeSgt.G133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GiesGeoPvt.R2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
GiffordECapt. 128th New York Inf.Died of pneumonia.
GilbertJamesPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GilcreaseJohn MPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
GilesAndrew CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 21, 1863.
GilfordGPvt.H12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the head, May 25, 1863.
GillEdwardSgt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GillLukePvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GillTCorp.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, bad.
GillesStephenPvt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GillespieTerrencePvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
GillisIsaacPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GillpatrickStallniannPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, slight.
GilmanAlvahPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 3, 1863.
GilmanHarlan PPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 29, 1863 on steamer en route home.
GilmanW HPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GilpatrickAlmon LPvt.A12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GinettPatrickPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GiselFredPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GiteyJosPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GivenyPhillipPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GlassSethPvt.C38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
GlassSylvesterPvt.B116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GlasserCharlesCorp.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died May28, 1863.
GlazerCharlesCorpE116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
GleasonJamesPvt.A91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GleasonO OSgt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
GleasonSanford B2nd Lt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in thigh on May 27, 1863.
GloverA R1st Lt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GoasPeterPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GodfreyCharlesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded slightly in the hand on June 13, 1863.
GodfreyJ FranklinCapt. 1st Louisiana Cav.Commander, 1st La. Cav. (detachment).
GoffJames EPvt.cook12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the hand by himself, May 25, 1863.
GoldenJamesPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GoodchildJohn MPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 19, 1863.
GoodellHenry HLt.F25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GoodingOliver PCol. StaffCommander, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division.
GoodmanJames WPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; died bef. Nov. 21 at Baton Rouge.
GoodnoughLPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
GoodridgeJohnPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
GoodwinA MPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg & foot.
GoodwinE WPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GoodwinJPvt. 48th Massachusetts Inf. 
GordonCalvin SSgt.H14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GordonHenryPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GordonJohn GPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 8, 1863.
GordonJohn TCorp.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GordonLouis CCorp.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GordonS CSurgeon 13th Maine Inf. 
GormanJPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - jaw.
GormanJohnPvt.C177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GoshiaAndrewCorp.G159th New York Inf.Wounded.
GottschalkJacobSgt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
GoudFredericPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GoughJosephPvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GouldH MPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
GouldLorenzo DPvt.C52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GourlyTPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
GoveranT McPvt.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand and back.
GraceEdwardSgt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded and died on May 25, 1863.
GradyM APvt.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
GraffMathissPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on July 7, 1863.
GraftonJamesPvt.G21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
GrahamAdams JPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - ankle, slight.
GrahamCharles HPvt.L38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GrahamJosephPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GrahamMillerPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
GramAlbert LPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
GranadinoGrosPvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GrandA LPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
GranniseSamuel HCapt. 12th Connecticut Inf. 
GrantCharles HSgt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GrantJos WSgt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Grant,E APvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
GranvilleJohnPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GravesInnus APvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GravesOliverPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GravesWarren APvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died July 13, 1863 while en route home.
GrawiChristainPvt.D116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GrayDanielPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GrayJohnSgt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GrayJohnCapt. 175th New York Inf.Commander, 175th N.Y. after Lt. Col. Bryan was killed.
GrayWilson HCapt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GreenJamesPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GreenJosephDrummerH91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863, later died of wounds.
GreenRPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
GreenThomasPvt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
GreenWilliamPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GreenleafHalbert SCol. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 52nd Mass.
Greenleaf, JrAlfredLt.B159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GreenlyWarrenPvt.K91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GreenwoodAlbeitPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
GreenwoodEdson WPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, slight.
GregoryErastusPvt.C114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GregoryStephenPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 24, 1863.
GriersonBenjamin HCol. StaffCmdr. of Union Cavalry.
GrietyMichaelPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
GriffinChaunceyPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GriffinEliCapt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
GriffinHenry EPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GriffinMosesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 19, 1863.
GriffinRogerCorp. 48th Massachusetts Inf. 
GriffinThomasPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GriffinWilder BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 16, 1863.
GriffithsThomasPvt.E116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
GriggsO MPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm and leg bad.
GrimesHenryPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died Aug. 14, 1863 in New Orleans.
GrippenHenry EPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed by a sharpshooter on June 21, 1863.
Griswold?Pvt.B32nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14.
GriswoldAlbertCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
GriswoldGeo WPvt.B31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
GriswoldJerome S1st Sgt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
GrosvenorWilliam MCapt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the arm on June 14, 1863.
GroverJohnPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
Gullefer (Gullifer)BaileyPvt. 4th Massachusetts Inf. 
GullenGilbert SSgt.F159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
GunnLymanPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; died of wounds June 1, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
GupsarFPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the nose, May 27, 1863.
GuyotArthurPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HablitzJohnPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the neck, May 27, 1863.
HackettHylasunk. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 5, 1863 while en route home.
HaddenFreemanPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HaddockJosephPvt.K12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the head, May 25, 1863.
HadleyElias HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863 and died that night.
HaeugenHenryPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
HaganJamesPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded seriously, May 27, 1863.
HagarJohn HSgt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HagemanLouisCorp.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HagertyGeorge CSgt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HaggertyJohn APvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - leg and knee.
HagueJohn NPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HailGeorgePvt.A116th New York Inf.Died in hospital, May, 1863.
HairRichard M1st Sgt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HaleyThomasPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HalingI WPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest.
HallA CPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Shoulder.
HallBenjamin FCapt.K15th New Hampshire Inf.Cmdr. of Co. K.
HallDanielPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of sunstroke on July 28, 1863 at Port Hudson.
HallEnos KCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HallGPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HallJohnCapt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the foot.
HallJohn EmoryPvt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
HallRichard BCapt. 2nd Massachusetts Battery 
HallSamuelPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HallSolomonPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HallWalter TSgt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HallWilliamPvt.H?th MassachusettsWounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
HalladayW ECorp. 8th Vermont Inf. 
HallettMartinCorp.D161st New York Inf.Killed at Port Hudson (from his mother's obituary).
HalleyEbenPvt.B177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HalleyHawrencePvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Halstead?Capt. 49th Massachusetts Inf. 
HamMosesPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HambletonWadeSgt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HamblettCharles SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863.
HamelGeorgeSgt.K133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HamlinThaddeusPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HammerA APvt.C160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HammondAlexanderPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
HammondGeorge WCorp.C116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HancockG VPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HandyLewisPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HaneAdamPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds June 28, 1863 at New Orleans.
HaneJohn JacobPvt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty. 
HanesWard WPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
HanlyEdwardPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
HannaMarcus ASgt. 50th Massachusetts Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, July 4, 1863.
HannesD DPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
HannophyJohnPvt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died June 9, 1863.
HannsFrederickPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HansburghD HPvt. 128th New York Inf. 
HanscomD DCorp.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
Hanscom.J CPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HansellTheodorePvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HanshkaTheoPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
HanslerNicholasPvt.B131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HardeMPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the hip, May 27, 1863.
HarkAmosPvt.B159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarleyJ JPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HarmonRichard MCorp.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HarmountGeorge ALt.B12th Connecticut Inf.Adjutant, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
HarperT HPvt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
HarrellLouisPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarrigonAndrewSgt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarrimanT EPvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarringtonE JPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
HarringtonJCorp.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
HarrisAlpheus SPvt. 50th Massachusetts Inf. 
HarrisGeorge HSgt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarrisM HCorp.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
HarrisonH CPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, slight.
HarrisonJaredPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarrisonThomasCorp.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HarrowerGabriel TCol. 161st New York Inf.Commander, 161st N.Y.
HartDavidCorp.I162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HartEdgarPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HartEdwin Aunk. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 18, 1863.
HartJamesPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
HartLewisCorp.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HartRobert McDCapt.F159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HartleyWilliam SCorp.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HartmanFPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
HartshornLowell S (L)Pvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
HartsonNapoleon BPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded.
HartwellD PPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
HarveyJamesPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HaseltineCharles S1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
HassettMartinPvt.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HastingsB FPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in leg.
HastyAblam APvt.K38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
HaterA JarvisPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HatfieldGeorge WPvt.B159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HauleyWilliamPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
HaunaburghDavid HCorp.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HauverHoracePvt.H91st New York Inf.Captured on June 14, 1863, escaped.
HaveleyJacob HPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
HawkinsEliPvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HawkinsWilliam RPvt.C14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HaworthRPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - both legs.
HayesDennisPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds July 17, 1863.
HayesJohnCorp.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HayesJohnPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HayesWilliamPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HaywardCharlesPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
HaywoodWilliam  52nd Massachusetts Inf. 
HeacoxDPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HealdH WPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh, slight.
HealyMSgt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
HeathJohn EPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HeathOra HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HebardGeorge TCapt. 1st Vermont BatteryCommander, 1st Vt. Battery.
HecoxDavidPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
HeganyDennisPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HeicleleHPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HeidsickGasparPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HeinrichsWilliamPvt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HeinsConrattPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 22, 1863 and died later of his wounds.
HeligFrancisPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HellerFrankCorp.K156th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
HellerGustavusPvt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HellriegleFrederickPvt.C116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HelmHenrySgt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
HemenwayFPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder, slight.
HemstreetWilliamPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HencheyPeterPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HendleyJohn B1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
HendricksonAlexanderPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HenesE WPvt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
HenneHPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HennessyJohnPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder and hip, May 27, 1863.
HenryCPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
HenryE DCorp.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
HenryWPvt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HenseyThomasPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HensonCPvt.K1st Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
HerbertGarrettCorp.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HerbertJPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HeronJohnPvt.K90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HerrGeorgePvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HerrickCharles APvt.K161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HerrickWPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
HerringerJohnPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HerrmanAlexPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HersheyAlbert JCapt. 16th New Hampshire Inf. 
HersomCharles H.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in shoulder.
HerworthWilliam L1st Lt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HeseltonJoseph KPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 21, 1863.
HessHenryPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
HettingerLouisPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HewesH FCorp.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HewettJPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
HewettMinot DCorp.G21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HewinsHoratio LPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HewittMichaelSgt.K160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HibbardN HCorp.E8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HickeyJohnPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
HickleyJ DPvt.C2nd U S ArtilleryVolunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HicksCalebCorp. 128th New York Inf.Died at Port Hudson on June 29, 1863.
HicksF APvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1864
HicksL CPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1865
HiensConradPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HigginsJohnCapt. 116th New York Inf.Commander, 116th N.Y.
HigginsJohnPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HigleyMiles PPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HilbrenWilliamPvt.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HildebrandRobtPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
HilderbrandFrederickPvt.C116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HilimanBCorp.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
HillAlansonPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HillElbridge GPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 13, 1863.
HillJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863 while en route home.
HillJosephPvt. 4th Massachusetts BatteryWounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
HillMichaelPvt.E160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HillMilton HPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder May 27, 1863. Died June 1, 1863.
HillRobert YPvt.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HillSidney CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 15, 1863.
HillSmithPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
HillisJamesSgt.E175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HillmanJohnPvt.C31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh amputated.
HillsCharles E LPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 3, 1863.
HinchmanEugene ALt.H131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HinesPatrickPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HinesRichard M1st Sgt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
HinessPeterPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HintonJohn EPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the wrist, May 27, 1863.
HiscockGustavusPvt.F21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HitchcockAlbertPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 30, 1863.
HitchcockAlbertSgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in arm on May 27, 1863.
HitchlockA OPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - eye, slight.
HlldebrandCPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - body,
HoagDavid DCapt. 28th Connecticut Inf.Mortally wounded.
HobbeyRobertPvt.C165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HobbsI FrankLt.G14th Maine Inf.Adjutant, 2nd Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
HochAmbrosePvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded, May 27, 1863.
HodgdenA FCorp.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - mortal
HodgeJustinCol. 1st Louisiana Engrs., Corps D'AfriqueCommander, 1st La. Engrs., Corps D'Afrique.
HodgesJoraPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1866
HodgesWilliam TLt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Hodges, Jr.JohnMaj. 50th Massachusetts Inf. 
HodgmanJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Severe wound in arm June 14, 1863.
HodingerHenryPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoeyThomasPvt.A110th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
HoezleLouisPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Wounded on June 14, and died on June 28, 1863.
HoffmanJPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - thigh.
HoffmanJohnCorp.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoffmanWickhamAdjutant StaffGen. Sherman's staff, later Gen. Dwight's staff.
HoganJohnPvt.G91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
HoganMichaelSgt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HogueBazelSgt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HogueWilliamPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HohnJacobPvt.I131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HolclenWilliam1st Lt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
HolcombRichardCol. 1st Louisiana Inf.Commander, 1st La. Later Commander, 1st Brigade, 4th Division. Killed on June 14.
HolcombePythagoras ECapt. 2nd Vermont BatteryCommander, 2nd Vt. Battery.
HoldenWCorp.P116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
HolfordAndrewCorp.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HollandThomasPvt.E8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HollenbackECorp.H159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HollenbeckSamuelCorp.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 1, 1863.
HollidayJamesPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in fingers.
HollingerRobertCorp.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HollisterEdward PCapt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Senior Major, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
HolmesFLt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
HolrupleFredPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - knee.
HoneL FPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
HonnJ BSgt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded and missing.
HookHiramCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in arm on May 27, 1863.
HookLeviPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
HoonanPPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HopkinsAlbertPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HopkinsDanielPvt.I6th Michigan Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 12, 1863.
HopkinsRoswell EPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HopkinsW S BLt. Col. 31st Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 31st Mass. (7 companies).
HoranTimothySgt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 6, 1863.
HornSamuel OPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 20, 1863.
HornbyRichardPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HornsbyWilliam HPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
HortonIra CCorp.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store, died July 12, 1863.
HortonM HPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger, June 10, accidental.
HortonManley HPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HortonS CCorp.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - forehead.
HortonThomasPvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoskingE A1st Sgt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
HosleyLuther TLt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
HosmerJamesCorp. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Color Corporal.
HosmerSCorp.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Color Bearer. Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, slight.
HosmerStephenCorp. 53nd Massachusetts Inf.Color Corporal.
HotchkissCharlesPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoulihanCPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
HousenJohnPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoustonDavid CMaj. StaffChief of Engrs
HoustonEPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HoverlandFrederick EPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
HoveySamuel DCapt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Junior Major, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
HoveyThomas HPvt.H12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the right wrist, May 25, 1863.
HowardDPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
HowardHarry SCorp.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HowardJames WPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died on June 24, 1863 of wounds received at Port Hudson.
HowardJohnPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HowardWarren HPvt.G114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoweJPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
HowellLuther CLt. 31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HowesElishaPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in arm on July 4, 1863.
HowesGeorgePvt.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
HowesSylvesterPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died on board steamer on July 26, 1863 while en route home.
HowlandGeorge WPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HowlandHarrison CWagoner 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HowlandMoodyPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HoytB DCorp.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
HoytJohnPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HoytNehemiahSgt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died in October, 1863.
HubbardEdwin NPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HubbardGeorge W2nd Lt.I21st Maine Inf.Wounded in thigh on June 15, 1863.
HubbardJohn WCapt. StaffAssistant Adjutant on Gen. Weitzel's staff. Killed on May 27, 1863.
HubbardNathanielCol. 26th Maine Inf.Commander, 26th Maine.
HubbardRollin CSgt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store. Taken prisoner July 13,1863, Cox's Plantation.
HubbardWilliam PorterPvt.I31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
HudsonJohnPvt.C38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
HudsonPeterPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuffSilasPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HughesJPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HughesJamesPvt.H24th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HughesJohn WPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
HughesPPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HughesThomas HCorp.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HulbertHenry SCapt.K91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
HullEliPvt.B25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HullEzra MSgt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HullJ CLt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HullWilloughbyPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HumphreyCPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HumphreyCharles ESgt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HungriesAPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
HunkerFrederickPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HunnewellRandall FCorp.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuntJames LCapt.B21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuntJohnPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuntRobert M1st Sgt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the breast, May 27, 1863; died.
HuntWilliamPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
HunterWalter BPvt.C6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuntingtonC BPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the testicle, May 27, 1863.
HuntleyWilliam HSgt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuoughtalingHiramPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds.
HurdAlfredPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in ear.
HurdFrancis MCorp.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HurdJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.All fingers of the right hand shot off on June 13, 1863.
HurlburtByron JSgt.F8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HurlburtHenry APvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HurleyPPvt.G48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
HuseDavid SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 9, 1863.
HusseyThomasPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
HusseyWillard ASgt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HussingerCPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
HutchingsCharles BSgt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HutchinsGeorge GSgt.E8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HutchinsonDavidPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
HuxfordFrancisSgt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HuxfordWilliam PCapt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
HydeW APvt.A173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
IbackCharlesPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
IcksLouisPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
IlsleyEdwardLt. Col. 12th Maine Inf.Commander, 12th Maine. Wounded in the head, slightly, May 24, 1863.
IngallBSgt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
IngallsBenjSgt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
IngallsWilliam HPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; discharged for wounds, July 29, 1863.
IngersoilF DPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
IngersolEugenePvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
IngersollFrancis DPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
IngrahamAsahelPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
IngrahamMPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
IngrahamTimothyCol. StaffCommander, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division.
InsleyJoseph SPvt.C160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
InwoodHenry CSgt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
IresonFranklin PPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 19, 1863 while en route home.
IrvingAlex FPvt.B159th New York Inf.Wounded.
IrwinEdwardLt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded in the thigh slight, May 27, 1863.
IrwinJPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
IrwinRichardLt. Col. StaffAdj. Gen.
IsbellHenry LPvt.A114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JacksonAlbertLt.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
JacksonGeorge TPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 6, 1863.
JacksonJ MCorp.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
JacksonJosephPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JacobsDavidPvt.H159th New York Inf.Wounded.
JacobsHenry F2nd Lt. 26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 and died on July 5, 1863.
JacobsSamuel HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
JalleyJ HSgt.H173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JamesCPvt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JamesonNelson MPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder, slight.
JaquesDavid DPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JeeCPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
JeffersonThomasSgt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JenkinsJosephPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died in hospital in Baton Rouge, Aug. 29, 1863.
JenkinsWilliam FCorp.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JenkinsonJohn SCorp.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JenningsJohn FSgt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded.
JennissCharles, Jr.Pvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
JensieJ BPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
JeromeAPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
JerrardSimon GCol. 22nd Maine Inf.Commander, 22nd Maine.
JesemaughnPaulPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JewellJames SPvt.K21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JewettD GLt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
JewettOliver DPvt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JewettOrville DCapt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnCharles StCorp.D6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnRichardPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsHenry TPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, May 27, 1863.
Johnson?Pvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonA WPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
JohnsonAbelPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonB LPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
JohnsonBenjaminPvt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonBenjamin CPvt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
JohnsonE CPvt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
JohnsonEdwardPvt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonElijah DCol. 21st Maine Inf.Commander, 21st Maine.
JohnsonG B1st Sgt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
JohnsonG OSgt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JohnsonGeorge H.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Ruptured.
JohnsonJamesSgt.C31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right thigh.
JohnsonJames RPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonJonathan HCapt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 and died on Oct. 13, 1863.
JohnsonMartin JPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1868
JohnsonPPvt.I174th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
JohnsonPeterPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; died of wounds at Baton Rouge.
JohnsonRobert LPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
JohnsonSamuel SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JohnsonWilliamPvt.H174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnsonWilliamPvt.H91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of diarrhea bef. Nov. 25, 1863 at New Orleans.
JohnsonWilliam HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 31, 1863 while en route home.
JohnstonThomas BLt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JohnstonWilliamPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
JoinfroidAdolphPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JolleyWilliamPvt.A161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesAlexanderPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesAugustusPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesDavid1st Lt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on May 29 in New Orleans.
JonesGeorge WPvt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesHenryPvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesHenryPvt.H174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesIsaac Sunk. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 17, 1863.
JonesLeroyPvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
JonesLewisCorp.D114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
JonesRSgt.B133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
JonesRufus LPvt.K16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JonesS R1st Sgt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head and wrist.
JonesWilliamPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Missing in action at Port Hudson on June 14, 1863.
JonesWilliam WPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JordanJeremy TPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JosephGeorgePvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JosephJoaquimPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
JosephJoePvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JoslynFrederick WPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded in the breast and ancle, May 27, 1863.
JostFrederickPvt.G116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
JoyJohnPvt.B159th New York Inf.Wounded.
JoyceHCorp.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Finger.
JuddEugeneLt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the groin (slightly) and leg, May 27, 1863.
JuddIsaac E1st Lt.E, K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of his wounds on June 13, 1863.
JudsonFrank MCorp.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store. Died May 23, 1863.
KalerNelsonPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the side, May 27, 1863.
KaltLeoPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KampJuliusPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KaneJamesPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds June 8, 1863 at New Orleans.
KatheaHenryPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KavanaghWilliam FPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KayhooWPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
KayhoonWPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
KeagenWilliamPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
KealyMPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Keangston?Pvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KearneyCharlesCorp.K91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KearneyMichaelPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KeatingGeorgeMaj. 174th New York Inf.Commander, 174th N.Y.
KeefeJ OPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
Keefe (Keffe)PatrickPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of disease Oct. 1, 1863 at Brasher City.
KeeganPatrickPvt.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
KeeneJohnPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
KeeseFrancis SCapt.C128th New York Inf.Cmdr, Co. C. Took command of the regiment after Col. Cowles was Killed on May 27, 1863. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KehlAlexPvt.B162nd New York Inf.Wounded in the leg, amputated., May 24, 1863.
KehrJacobPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 10, 1863.
KeileyGeorge WSgt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KeithJohn ACol. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty.Commander, 1st Ind. Heavy Artillery.
KelieyThomas SPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the stomach, May 27, 1863.
KellcyBPvt.D48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hip, May 27, 1863.
KellerhouseWilliamPvt.I159th New York Inf. 
KelletTheodorePvt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KelleyEdwin DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed by sharpshooter on June 11, 1863.
KelleyLoren FPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
KelleyMPvt.H6th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - foot.
KelleyWilliamSgt.D162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KellumAPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - foot.
KellyDanielPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KellyJames GPvt.C133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KellyJohnSgt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KellyThomasPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KellyWilliamCorp.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KelseyB FCorp.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KempleJosephPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KendallGeorge EPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
KendallJ HenryPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - flesh wound in leg,
KendallNathan WPvt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KenediJames CPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KennedyCharlesCapt. 156th New York Inf. 
KennedyCharles1st Sgt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
KennedyCharles WLt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KennedyThomasPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
KennedyThomasPvt.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for wounds, Mar. 7, 1864.
KennedyWilliamLt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KenneyJohnSgt.E174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KennyS CCorp.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
KennyWilliamPvt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KentLenoxPvt.B75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KenyurC MSgt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
KeppleFPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
KernBurton LPvt.B116th New York Inf.Color Bearer. Killed on May 27, 1863.
KerneyThomasPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KetaingWilliamPvt.G162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KetchumA CPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KettleSPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
KeyserAbrahamPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KiahAlexPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KiamanMichaelPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
KillomAlonzo FPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KimballBurgess CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 15, 1863.
KimballCPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
KimballDennison SCorp.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed.
KimballJames BPvt.E48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
KimballJohnunk. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on May 28, 1863.
KimballJohn WCol. 53rd Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 53rd Mass.
KimballJohn WCol. 53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion in thigh.
KimballWilliam KCol. StaffCommander, 2nd Brigade, 4th Division.
KingDana WLt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KingEdwardPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
KingEmeryPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
KingJohn APvt.H21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the shoulder and head, May 27, 1863.
KingRCapt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KingmanJohn WCol. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Commander, 15th N.H.
KingsleyThomas GCol.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in jaw and arm.
KinneyAnsonSgt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
KinneyCharlesCorp. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded, July, 1863.
KinneyJohn CLt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KinneyR CCapt. 116th New York Inf. 
KinneyW IPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
KinseyWilliam BLt. (Adjutant) 161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KirkDavid NPvt.B177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KitchenJamesPvt.E38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
KittlesonAustinPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
KizerA FCapt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the foot and arm, May 27, 1863.
KleinJohnPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KleinLewisPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
KlessPhillipPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
KlipserFrederick PPvt.D116th New York Inf.Died of disease on May 24,1863 at Baton Rouge.
KnackcrossCharlesPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
KnaggsCharles C.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at Baton Rouge, Aug. 22, 1863.
KnappWilliam DPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
KnickerbockerGeorgePvt.H49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KniffenGilbert JCorp. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
KniffinCharles W1st Lt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
KnightsGeorgePvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Supposedly killed on June 14, 1867
KnipeFlemingPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Knowlton?Pvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
KnowltonDaniel C1st Lt.F114th New York Inf. 
KobinsonAmoryPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - linger shot off.
KochendoerferFrankPvt. 165th New York Inf. 
KoglePeterPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863.
KohlerGeorgePvt.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KopflerJosephPvt.C2nd Louisiana Cav.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
KrafftTheodore WSgt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KraherLewisPvt.K160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KraigeWilliamPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KrakonskiCharlesPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
KranskopfPPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
KriegelsteinSamuelSgt.G160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KrollWilliamPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
KronPhillipPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
KuhfussJohnPvt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KuhlmanEdwardPvt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
KuhlmanerHenryPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
La FlamboyCharlesPvt.C116th New York Inf.Died Aug. 2, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
La FlamboyJamesSgt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
La RozaG WSgt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
LacraieLouisPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LacyDennisSgt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LaddJos JCapt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LadigesJuliusPvt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LaffertyJohnPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
LahiffeTimothyCorp.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the knee, May 27, 1863.
LaingJohn KLt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LakeJohn HPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
LakeL CPvt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
LamarHenryPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
LamarshFrankPvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LambertESgt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
LampreyJPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - missing.
LampreyJohn DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
LamunnionElbridgePvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LancasterJohn SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 18, 1863 at Port Hudson.
LancasterMorrisSgt.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LandyHenrySgt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LaneJames RPvt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LaneJoseph RPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded, mortally.
LangJohn CPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, leg and foot.
LangMosesCapt.C15th New Hampshire Inf.Commander, Co. C, 15th N.H. Inf.
LangeLaurentzPvt.C165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LangleyJohn OPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed July 1, 1863.
LanneganMichaelPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
LanteyEdwardPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LapeCharles WPvt.E177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LapreyPPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
LarabeeAugustus  6th Michigan Inf. 
LarleJoseph GPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
LarmoreGeorgePvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Larock, JrDavidPvt.F8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LarrabeeGeorge NPvt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LasaneSamuelPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LasherHenry DPvt.G174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LashuersRobertPvt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
LaskeyW PPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LathamWm PDrummerK26th Connecticut Inf.Died of wounds.
LaughtmanJohnPvt.C165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LavaryBarneyPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LawrenceA MPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
LawrenceCharlesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in thigh on May 27, 1863.
LawsCharles HPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in arm.
LeachMiles LPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
LeachPatrickPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeachStephen NPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LearyJohnSgt.G30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeavittT MSgt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
LederickTheodoreSgt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeeAugustePvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeeHenryPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeeJudson JPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Springfield Landing on July 3, 1863.
LeeMauricePvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeeWPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
LeeWilliamCapt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LeeWilliam SPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LeemanG LPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
LegroDavidPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863, slight.
LegrossErnestSgt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LehmanHenry vonPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LehmanPhillipPvt.E116th New York Inf.Color Guard. Wounded in the wrist, May 27, 1863.
LeightonJ M1st Sgt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1864 - knee.
LeignbergerJPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14.
LeinrieWilliam LSgt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeleitnerAlbertPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LenningWilliamPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeonardAugustPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeonardR WLt. (Adjutant) 162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LeonardSamuel1st Sgt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
LeukinsJPvt.H7th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - thigh.
LeviAdolph MPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
LewisCharlesCapt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
LewisD MPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Thigh.
LewisDavidPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LewisJosephPvt.G1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LewisPhilipPvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LewisVictorPvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LewisWilliam APvt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LinahanS JLt.G116th New York Inf.Killed, bet. May 27 and June 14.
LinahanTimorhy J1st Lt.G116th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LincolnJ KChaplin 22nd Maine Inf. 
LincolnOPvt.F21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
LinderJohnPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the neck, May 27, 1863.
LinebitsPhilipPvt.A116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LingenfelterGeorge RCapt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Sunstroke on May 27, 1863.
LinguistGustavus FLt.C165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LinwellHenryPvt. 21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shot through the abdomen.
LisemberC RPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Face and breast.
LiterEdwardPvt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LittleJames SSgt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
LittleJoseph DPvt.C48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
LivermoreA ACorp.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
LizaneThomasPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the back, May 27, 1863.
LockJ WPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
LockLymanLt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
LockOliverPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on June 14, 1863.
LockeJohn WLt. Col. 50th Massachusetts Inf. 
LockeJoseph JPvt.K12th Maine Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
LoeperC.O. HermanSgt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
LoesAbrahamSgt. Maj. 175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LofraMassallaCorp.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Logan?Pvt.H31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - jaw
LoganJamesPvt.H31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - lower jaw.
LoganLevi ACorp.K6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LoganSamuel TSgt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LongGeorge ESgt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LongHenryPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LongJohnPvt.E160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LongwellWilliam HLt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
LoomeyTPvt.B12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the in toe by himself, amp'd, May 25, 1863.
LoomisDaniel BCorp.K12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LoomisHenry RPvt.D165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LoomisReubenCol. 6th Illinois Cav.Commander, 6th Illinois Cav.
LoomisWilliam EPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
LooneyPPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LordCharles TPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LosawGeorgePvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LotsumRobertPvt.G1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LouisMarkPvt.F116th New York Inf.Killed, bet. May 27 and June 14.
LouksMarkPvt.F116th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LoundsberyWillardPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LoveGeorge MMaj. 116th New York Inf.Commander, 116th N.Y. Wounded on May 27, 1863. Later won Medal of Honor for actions at Battle of Cedar Creek.
LoveringGeorge Mason1st Sgt. 4th Massachusetts Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, June 14, 1863.
LoveringSamuel GPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863 by a shot to the forehead.
LowJohn PPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
LowellMelvinPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug 22, 1863.
LowerJohnCorp.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LownAlexanderPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LuckLyman PPvt.G8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LuddesAlonzo GCorp.G177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LudlimJ WPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
LudmanF WPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
LudmanW FCorp.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
LukeJohnPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LullJames WSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in the arm on May 27, 1863 and died on Aug. 16, 1863.
LullOliver WLt. Col. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Commander, 8th N.H. Killed on May 27.
LummerW PPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LuntRichard HPvt.A48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LuntWilliam HPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, hi thigh.
LymanDanielPvt.K52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LymanDaniel WPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
LymanJohn NSgt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
LynchJamesPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, slight.
LynchJohnPvt.F159th New York Inf.Wounded.
LynchJohnPvt.F49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - toe, June 6, accidental.
LynchWilliamPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
LynnOrange SCorp. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 20, 1863.
LyonsJPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
M.Ramey?Sgt. Maj.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MackAlbert GCapt. 18th New York Arty. BatteryCommander, 18th N.Y. Arty. Battery.
MackJosephPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MackWilliamCorp.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MackerPPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
MackeyHenryPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
MaddocksElden BPvt. 26th Maine Inf. 
MaddoxJohnSgt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MadisonEdPvt.K1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MadisonReuben WPvt. 160st New York Inf.Died of disease at Camp Hubbard, LA on 16 August 1863.
MadisonWilliam FCorp. 160st New York Inf. 
MageeJamesCapt. 2nd Massachusetts Cav. Battn.Commander, 2nd Mass. Cav. Battn.
MageoCharlesPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
Mahoney?Pvt.E31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Mahoney?Pvt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MahoneyJerryPvt.E31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MahoneyJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in breast and shoulder on May 27, 1863.
MahoneyMichaelPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MahoneyPatrickPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MainRichard CPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MajorGeorgePvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21,1863 at Plain Store and died of disease Sept. 27, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
MakerAmosPvt.K90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MallayThusPvt.F173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MaloneyJames SPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
MaloneyJohnPvt.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MaloneyThomasPvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MaloneyThomasPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MaloonWesley SCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in thigh on May 27, 1863.
ManahanJamesPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ManeaWPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ManeringPatrickPvt.D175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MannGeorgePvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
MansfieldSamuel MCol. 24th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 24th Conn.
MarchandFelixPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 17, 1863.
MarcottElexisPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 12, 1863.
MarcottJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 5, 1863.
MarinerJames EPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarkhamFrankPvt.A175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarrCPvt.H10th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - arm.
MarreneeEdwardLt.I174th New York Inf.Quartermaster, 2nd Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
MarshGeorgePvt.D31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - face.
MarshLPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back.
MarshallJPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Shoulder.
MarshallLuther HSgt.C30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarshelHenryPvt.A3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarstonDanielSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 7, 1863.
MartensWilliam  116th New York Inf. 
MartielPierrePvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Martin?Pvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - bowels.
MartinCharles HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 17, 1863. Said to have been only 14 years old.
MartinDPvt.I8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MartinEzra MPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder on June 14, 1863.
MartinJessePvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 16, 1863.
MartinJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MartinJohnPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for wounds, Nov. 19, 1864.
MartinLeviPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863, slight.
MartinPatrickPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MartinPeter ACorp.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MartinSylvester1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
MartinWPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
MartinWilliamPvt.G116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MartinesJosephCorp.I162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarvellJohnPvt.H156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MarvinJ LPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - left side and wrist.
MaryPhilipPvt.I116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MasonD BLt. 4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded/killed?
MasonE LPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MasonJohn CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 6, 1863 while en route home. Said to have been only 15 years old.
MasonSamuel SSgt.F22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MastersAPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
MathiasJames1st Lt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; discharged for wounds, Jan. 4, 1864.
MattJoseph vonPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MattersonJ PSgt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
MatthewsPatrick HPvt.B165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MatthiesGeorgePvt.C160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MatticeStantonPvt.F91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MaurerGeorgeCorp.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
MaxonH ELt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of disease.
MaxsonB FSgt.G160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MaxwellJohnPvt.E159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
MaxwellWPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the eye, May 27, 1863.
MaxwellWilliamPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in head on May 27, 1863.
MayerGPvt.E116th New York Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MaynardWilliam MPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MayoE BPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
MayoHenryPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McAndreThomasPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
McBethJames ELt.K131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McBirneyDavidPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
McBrideJohn WPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCabeLukePvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCallA DwightLt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCallJamesPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCarryEdwardPvt.H31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right leg, contusion.
McCarterCharlesPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - both thighs
McCarthyDPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
McCartneyThomasPvt.B159th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died July 30, 1863.
McCartyJohnPvt.G48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
McCauleyJohnPvt.F159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
McCawleyJohnPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
McClintockJohnPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in neck.
McCloskyBarneyPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCollumJames TPvt.B91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McConnallMPvt.E173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McConnellDominickPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McConnellThomasCorp.D162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McConveryJames1st Sgt. 90th New York Inf.Right arm amputated.
McCormickGeorge ACorp.B177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCormickJamesPvt.H159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
McCormickJamesPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
McCormickJohnSgt.A162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCormickJohnPvt.F90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCormickThomas RPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCormickWilliam1st Sgt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
McCrackenRobertPvt.E159th New York Inf.Wounded.
McCueOwenPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
McCueThomasPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCumberWilliam HPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hip, May 27, 1863. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCutcheonWilliamPvt.C30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McCuyArchPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in both legs, May 27, 1863.
McDanielHenry WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded slightly on May 27, 1863.
McDanielLoudonPvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McDermottJohn GCapt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for disability, June 20, 1865.
McDonald?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
McDonaldA JPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
McDonaldEdwardSgt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the finger on June 14, 1863, finger amputated.
McDonaldHughPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
McDonaldJ1st Sgt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
McDonaldJamesPvt.J48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
McDonaldJohnPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McDonaldTPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
McDonaldThomasPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
McDowellJacobSgt.K160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McDowellWilliamPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McDurbittWPvt.D173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McElroyWilliamPvt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGahayFrancisPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGeeThomasPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGee (Magee)HenryPvt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
McGilvaryDonaldPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
McGilvreyDPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
McGinleyHPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
McGinnissJamesLt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the side, May 27, 1863.
McGintyAnthonyPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf. 
McGlaflinCharles ESgt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGormMichaelPvt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGovernMPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
McGowanJamesPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
McGowanRaymondCorp.D116th New York Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
McGrathWalterPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGrawGeorgeSgt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGreenEdwardPvt.H159th New York Inf.Wounded.
McGregorCharlesCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
McGregorSamuelPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
McGuireJPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McGuireJamesPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McGuireJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McIlravyHPvt.H159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McIntyreDonaldPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McIntyreHenry FPvt.C160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McIntyreJohn FPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
McKanna?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
McKarinPatrickPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
McKennyHughPvt.B159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McKeonJohnPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McKeverJohnCorp.B91st New York Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
McKinleyDavidPvt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded.
McKinneyGeorgePvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McKnightJamesPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the thigh slightly, May 24, 1863.
McKownCharles WSgt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McLaflinEdward  1st Indiana Hvy. Arty. 
McLaughlinBPvt.H173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McLaughlinJamesPvt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McLaughlinJohnCorp.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McLaughlinTOrd. Sgt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
McLaughlinThomasPvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at New Orleans, Aug. 1, 1863.
MclntireJames FPvt.E38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
McMahonJohnPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
McManusEdwardCorp. 13th Connecticut Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
McNalleyJamesCorp.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
McNallyJPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
McNamaraMartinPvt.F90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McNeilD CPvt.H159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McNeilRichardCorp.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
McNelleyJamesPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded in the fluger, May 27, 1863.
McPhetresDanielPvt.B22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
McQuadeJohnPvt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
Mead?1st Sgt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - cheek.
MeadBenjamin LPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeadHenry WPvt.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeadeGeorge M DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 15, 1863 while en route home.
MealeyMichaelCorp.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeCartyMPvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MeguireCharles LPvt.F156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeisdenS WPvt.G177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeisnerLouisLt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeissnerLouisLt.I13th Connecticut Inf. 
MenerFPvt.H8th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - thigh.
MerinusGeorgePvt.I177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MerriamElijahPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf. 
MerrickArthur LColor Sgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded severely in thigh on May 27, 1863.
MerrickJamesCorp.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MerrifieldWilliam EPvt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MerrillEzra APvt.G14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MerrillMelvillePvt.E21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MerrillRockwood GDrum Major 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 25, 1863.
MerrillThomas WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 11, 1863.
MerrittRobert BCol. 75th New York Inf.Commander, 75th N.Y.
MerryJamesPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
MerveauxDebyirPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MerwinCharlesDrummer 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died afterwards.
MeservyAlbert BPvt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MesserCarlos PCol. 50th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 50th Mass.
MesserHarrisonPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on May 27, 1863.
MessmerJosephPvt.I174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MettimusEdward  8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed.
MetzelGeorge APvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeyArthurCorp.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MeyerGeorgePvt.B31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MeyersJohnPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
MilesReubenPvt.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillenJ WPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Wounded, May 27, 1863.
MillenJohn WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 9, 1863.
MillerAugustPvt.K31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MillerCharlesPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MillerCharlesCorp.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillerEdwardPvt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MillerHenry CPvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillerJ WPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MillerJamesPvt.G50th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillerJosephPvt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillerMaxamillianCorp.I162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillerPeterPvt.H159th New York Inf. 
MillerPhilipPvt.F173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MillerSimeonPvt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
MillerW WPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
MillerickEdward LPvt.E12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillimanAdamPvt.A177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MillsCharles BPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - leg.
MinkJPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MinkJ PPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
MisherPeterPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MitchellC HPvt.B48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion.
MitchellCharlesPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MitchellFred ASgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in arm on June 14, 1863.
MlimanJohnPvt.C31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - left knee, amputated.
MoasJohnPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
MogerH WPvt.I173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MohoneyCorneliusPvt.H174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MohrenJohnPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MoldenPPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
MolettFPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MonksPatrick JPvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MonroeIsraelPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MoodyR TPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, bad.
MoonJ HPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MooreC HCorp.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - face, slight.
MooreCharles DCorp.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MooreCharles WPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 9, 1863.
MooreDanielPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MooreGarrettPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MooreHughSgt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
MooreJames D1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
MooreJas APvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, slight.
MooreJohnCorp.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MooreJohnCorp.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MooreMartin LPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in foot on June 14, 1863.
MooreMathew HCaptainF133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
MooreMilo PCorp.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MoorePPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
MooreStephen HPvt.I128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MooreWebster PMaj. 4th Wisconsin Inf.Commander, 4th Wisc.
MooreWilliamPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
MooreWilliamPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MooreWilliam BPvt. 128th New York Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 11, 1863.
MoorehouseWelkinPvt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MoorsJ FChaplin 52nd Massachusetts Inf. 
MorganAndrew BPvt.H8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorganElijah DCorp.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorganG WPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger shot off.
MorganJosephCol. 90th New York Inf.Commander, 90th N.Y. Later Commander, 1st Brigade, 4th Division after death of Col. Holcomb on June 14.
MorganWilliam J2nd Lt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
Morgar (?)W JLt.I11th New York Inf. (?)Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
MoriartyEPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MorrelHenryPvt.B31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - left arm, contusion.
MorrillG HCorp.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Finger.
MorrillJohn BPvt.I21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorrisGriffPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MorrisJoseph APvt.K38th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MorrisThomasPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorrisonIddo KPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 14, 1863.
MorrisonJames GPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863 by a shot to the forehead.
MorrowJames NPvt. 28th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorrowPaysonPvt.H116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
MorseAbnerPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
MorseH BMaj.114th New York Inf.Wounded in foot on June 14, 1863.
MorseIrvinPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MorseJ DSgt.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
MortonGeorge WPvt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm. Slight.
MortonHenryPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MortonJohn ELt. 1st Maine BatteryCommander, 1st Maine Battery.
MosherEdwin BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Missing in action on June 14, 1863, presumed dead.
MosherJos CPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MoshermanJamesPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MossJPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - missing.
MouleGeorge HSgt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Moulton?Pvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MoultonCharles  6th Michigan Inf. 
MoultonJ MLt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the hip, May 27, 1863.
MoultonTrueworthy LCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in wrist on June 13, 1863.
MoushaudJosephPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MoverHenryPvt.B31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
MowersCornelius FMaj. 7th Corps D'Afrique Inf.Commander, 7th Corps D'Afrique Inf.
MowreyJohnPvt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
MuckleJCorp.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
MudgeJ GCapt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - ear, slight.
MudgettWilliam SLt. Col. 8th Corps D'Afrique Inf.Commander, 8th Corps D'Afrique Inf.
MullenJohnSgt.B12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MullenMathewPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MullerHenryPvt.E116th New York Inf.Died of disease June 23,1863 at Port Hudson.
MullerWilliamSgt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MulroyT EPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
MumbaloW HPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
MunsonJPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
MurchCharlesPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurcurMahlon MCorp.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurnsonFrederick APvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurphyEdwardCorp.I162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurphyJPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
MurphyJPvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MurphyJPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - knees and thigh.
MurphyJoseph HCorp.E174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurphyMPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MurphyMichaelPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MurphyPatrick  1st Louisiana Inf. 
MurphyTraversPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
Murray?Sgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf. 
MurrayJohnPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
MuzzeyDavid PLt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
MyersJohn FPvt.E159th New York Inf.Wounded.
NailLewisPvt.C116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
NaltenCOrd. Sgt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
NashEugene SSgt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NashHoracePvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
NashPeterPvt.H116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
NasholdEliasPvt.G177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NearSamuelPvt. 128th New York Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 11, 1863.
NeatJoel CPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, slight.
NeenanDanielPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NeilJas OPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
NeilJohnCorp.F90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NeilsonNeilPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NeitzertACorp.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
NelsonDariusPvt.E48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
NelsonJPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
NelsonJohn ACol. 3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Commander, 3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.
NelsonJoseph BDrum Major 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 9, 1863 at Port Hudson.
NelsonNelsPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
NeschFerdinandPvt.I131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NettageE C1st Sgt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
NetterbergIvanCorp.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NettletonEdgar APvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
NetzerJPvt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
NevinsThomasPvt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded.
NewberryClifford CPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NewellJ PPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
NewellJ RLt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
NewhouseMorrisPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NewlandsSolomon NPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on July 4, 1863.
NewmanJohnPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NewtonChristopherPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died in Port Hudson on July 20, 1863.
NicholsCharlesPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NicholsCharles FPvt.G21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the chin and stomach, May 27, 1863. Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger.
NicholsMelvinPvt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NicholsWilliam A2nd Lt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the ankle on June 14, 1863.
NickersonFrank SBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division.
NilesAbnerPvt.F8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NilesCharles H2nd SgtK26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded, slight .
NilsenFrederickPvt.K174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NimsOrmand FCapt. 2nd Massachusetts BatteryCommander, 2nd Mass. Battery.
NolanJames Sgt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
NolanStephenPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
NoonanJPvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
NorcrossFrederick M1st Lt.P30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
NorcuttGeorge APvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NorisJosiahSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
NormanSamuel APvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
NormanW FrankLt.K13th Connecticut Inf. 
NormanWilliam FLt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NormannGustaveCorp.F162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NorrisTheodore BCorp.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
NorthupEdwardCorp.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NorthwayJohnPvt.H49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in hand on May 27, 1863.
NortonCharles LCapt. 25th Connecticut Inf.Staff - "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
NortonEliPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded.
NortonMartinPvt.I75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NorwoodNorwoodCorp.K30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
NourseEdmundSgt.G162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NourseIPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
NourseIsaacCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg on June 14, 1863.
NoyesAlbaPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 24, 1863.
NoyesGeorge OCorp.K38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
NoyesJohn WPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June28, 1863.
NoyesNicholas NLt. 48th Massachusetts Inf. 
NugentJohnCorp.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
NumonJPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
NutterHazen DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 7, 1863.
NycerH L1st Sgt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
NyeSpencer TPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side, slight.
OakesFrancis HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 9, 1863.
OatmanLeroy SPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
O'BrienDPvt.F49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger June 4, accidental.
O'BrienJamesLt. Col. 48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
O'BrienJohnPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
O'BrienPatrick JPvt.E159th New York Inf.Wounded.
O'BrienWPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
O'BrienWilliamCorp.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
O'CallaghanWilliamSgt.E175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'ConeorTPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - mortal.
O'ConnelPatPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
O'ConnellTimothyPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'ConnerJohnPvt.E175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'ConnerJohnPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for disability, Sept. 10, 1863.
O'ConnorHenryLt.I133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'ConnorJamesLt.F131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'DellJohnPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'DonnellEdward JLt.C16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'DonnellRichardPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OedekovenCharles FPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OedekovenFritzPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OgdenIsaacCorp.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OgdenT GAdjt. 48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest, not serious.
OgdenThompson P2nd Lt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
O'GorhamRichardPvt.C175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'GradyMLt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
O'HairJohnPvt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on May 25, 1863.
O'HaraJohnPvt.H173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
O'Harra?Pvt. 2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
O'KeefeJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'LaheyJohnPvt.E160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OlbenshawEdwardLt.H156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'LearyDSgt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
OlinJohn HPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
OliverGeorgePvt.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OliverOriPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot, slight.
OlivetIsaac MPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
O'MaraJohnPvt.F159th New York Inf.Wounded.
O'NeilJamesPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
O'NeilJamesPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OrdwayEdwinPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'ReillyJSgt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
O'RourkeJosephPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
OrrRPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, serious.
OsbornC WPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
OsgoodLewis WCapt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded slightly on May 27, 1863, and wounded in leg on June 12.
OsterhoutCorneliusPvt.A161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OstramCyrusPvt.D91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
OstranderFreemanPvt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
O'SullivanPatrick PPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of disease at New Orleans.
OttoF LPvt.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
OuterkirkSamuelPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
OwenLemuelSgt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for wounds, no date.
OwensPPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back.
PageCollinPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PageGeorge ADrum Major 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 3, 1863 while en route home.
PageJamesPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded on June 12, 1863. Died on July 1 at Baton Rouge.
PageJames A2nd Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
PageWPvt.B116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
PageWilliam HPvt.C48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
PaineCharles EPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded in the side, May 27, 1863.
PaineCharles JCol. 2nd Louisiana Inf.Cmdr, 1st Brigade, 1st Division.
PaineHalbert EBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 3rd Division, XIX Corps. Wounded on June 14, lost his leg as a result.
PalfreyJohn CCapt. StaffEngineer.
PalmentierGeorge HPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded severely on May 27, 1863.
PalmerHenry DPvt. 161st New York Inf. 
PalmerJohn MonroePvt. 75th New York Inf.Died at home on Oct. 26, 1863 of wound in leg received on May 27th.
PalmerJonas LottPvt.I75th New York Inf.Brother of John Monroe and Morgan Palmer. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PalmerMorganSgt. 110th New York Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 14, 1863 in regimental hospital near Port Hudson.
PalmerNPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
PalmerWilliam ESgt.D159th New York Inf. 
PalmotinG HCapt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
PanguiteBPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
Parker?Sgt.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - throat.
ParkerAmos VPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 9, 1863.
ParkerBowdoin SPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded slightly on June 14, 1863.
ParkerFernandoPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ParkerG EPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand and arm.
ParkerJames F2nd Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
ParkerP JPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ParkerTheron FPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ParksEPvt.E31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
ParlinAbel APvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 13, 1863.
ParmeleeHomer ACorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in elbow on May 27, 1863.
ParmileCharlesPvt.K115th New York Inf. (?)Wounded in the jaw, May 27, 1863.
ParsonsFrancis W1st Sgt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ParsonsJ RCapt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PatrickG HSgt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, slight.
PattenL LPvt.H8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PattersonAshbelPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PattersonFrankPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PattersonJosephPvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
PattersonRPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Patterson, Jr.JosephPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Patterson, Sr.JosephPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PaulLeonPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PaulinLewisPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PaxsonHorace ACorp.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
PayneFrederick CPvt.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PayneRobertPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PeabodyNicholasPvt.A48th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PearsallAlansonPvt.D159th New York Inf.Wounded.
PearsonLPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
PearySilas WCorp.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
PeasleeAPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - since dead.
PeckFrank HCol. 12th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 12th Conn. Wounded.
PeckLewisCorp.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
PeckP RPvt.E114th New York Inf.Missing on June 14, 1863.
PelletElias PorterLt.I114th New York Inf.Promoted to Adjutant, June 14, 1863.
PenettAndrewPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the arm, amputated., May 24, 1863.
PenfieldLoren DPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PennimanJustus BDrum Major 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 16, 1863.
Per LeeSamuel RLt. Col. 114th New York Inf.Adjutant, took command of regiment after Col. Smith was wounded and later died.
PerkinsA MPvt.K12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PerkinsG WPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
PerkinsJ SPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
PerkinsJames TSgt.E159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PerkinsJoshuaPvt.C38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
PerkinsNewton WLt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PerkinsPaul CPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PerkinsSamuelPvt.A48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
PerkinsSolon ACapt. 2nd Massachusetts Battn.Wounded/killed?
PerkinsWashingtonLt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
PerleyAPvt.D48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
PerryHenry ACorp.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PerryHenry SDrummer 15th New Hampshire Inf.Severely injured by explosion of shell after the surrender.
PerryJosPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
PerryThomasPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PetersE MPvt.C161st New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
PetersLymanPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side, slight.
PetersenNielPvt.H159th New York Inf.Wounded.
PethieWilliam PCorp.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PetteeJacob LPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 6, 1863.
PetteeWilliam TPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
PettingerEdwardPvt.H159th New York Inf.Wounded.
PfiefferF F FPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PhelpsJohn FLt. 6th Massachusetts BatteryCommander, 6th Mass. Battery.
PhelpsJohn WSgt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PhelpsRalph ECorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863, amputated. Died in Aug., 1863.
PhelpsSpencerPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 23, 1863.
PhelpsW HSgt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - left shoulder.
PhilbrickJosiah BradleyPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Oct. 2, 1863.
PhilleyLumanPvt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PhillipeCharlesPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
PhillipsCharles CPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Injured at Port Hudson on July 12, 1863.
PhillipsDaniel MLt.H12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PhillipsH WPvt.D48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the lower jaw, May 27, 1863.
PhillipsSpencerCookH91st New York Inf. 
PhillipsWilliamPvt.H38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
PhinneyHenry EPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PhinneyR GSgt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
PickeringCharles W2nd Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 29, 1863.
PierceJ WPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip, slight.
PiersonLukePvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
PigalGPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PigeonPatrickPvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PikeJamesCol. 16th New Hampshire Inf.Commander, 16th N.H.
PinardJovitePvt.C8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PindarFrederick WPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PingreyEdwinSgt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded in two fingers, May 27, 1863.
PinkhamEdward EAdjutant 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
PinsaidVictorPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PiperC APvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PittNicolasPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PittalukerFredPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
PittsleyBenjaminPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
PixleyJames MCol. 2nd Vermont Battery 
PlanciancoisAnselinoSgt. 1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PlattCharles EPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
PlattoWilliamPvt.D128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PlumbDavidPvt. 128th New York Inf.Died at Port Hudson on May 29, 1863.
PlummerCharles EPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PlummerEdwinPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Died on July 25, 1863.
PlummerHenryPvt.D6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PlunkettCharles TMaj. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 49th Mass., after Col. Bartlett was wounded.
Podger?Lt. F173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded in leg.
PodrickChalresPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PointoiseauOscarPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PolleyHenry EPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PondAaronPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on June 11, 1863.
PondEbenPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 12, 1863.
PondWilliam JPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 20, 1863.
PooleTPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the privates, May 27, 1863.
PoolerHenryPvt.I174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PoreeFerdinand CLt.D30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PorterHarlem PPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded July 2, 1863 at Springfield Landing.
PorterThomas WCol. 14th Maine Inf.Commander, 14th Maine.
PorterTobiasPvt.D6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PorterWilliam ACorp.C6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PortlandJamesPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
PostEdwardPvt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm and leg.
PotterJames APvt.D48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
PotterWilliamPvt.G114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PoucherMyronPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PoushFrederickPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PowellTPvt.A2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
PowersGeorge WCorp. 38th Massachusetts Inf. 
PowersHarvey DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on June 13, 1863 and died the same day.
PowersJamesPvt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PowersJohnPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
PowersJohn APvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863.
PowersPPvt.I173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
PowersThomasPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrattEdward RSgt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
PrattGeorge HSgt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrattIra JPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
PrattJoseph HPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrebleJosPvt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrescotAlbert DCorp.K116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrescottP MLt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder and arm.
PrescottThomasLt. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
PrestonFrancis WSgt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrestonSPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
PriceLloydPvt.E116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PriceOrrin MPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PriceTPvt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GWounded, amputation of right thing(?) and fracture of left leg, May 27, 1863.
PriesHenryPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store. Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
PriestDavid OPvt.D21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PrinceEdwardCol. 7th Illinois Cav.Commander, 7th Illinois Cav.
PrindleGeorgePvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PringleJames CPvt.I131st New York Inf.Wounded by gunshot in May, 1863 and died in New Orleans on July 17, 1863.
PriorE OColor CorpC38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
PriorUPvt.E133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
PritcherJosephPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
ProctorD APvt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ProctorE CPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly, in leg.
ProctorJamesPvt.F90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ProperRobertPvt.E159th New York Inf.Wounded.
ProperWilliam HPvt.E159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ProvostJohnPvt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
PruttLeviPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, June 13, accidental.
PryorWPvt.H173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
PughWilliamPvt.E159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PultzHarvey GPvt.G159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
PultzeDavid HPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on Oct 22, 1863.
PurdyWilliam HPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
PutbumWilliamPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
PutmanWilliamPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
PutnamD WCorp.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head and abdomen.
PutnamWaller TPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
PutnamWilliamPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
QuackenbushDaniel DPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; discharged for disability, Mar. 5, 1864.
QuigleyJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
QuinlanMurtySgt.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
QuinnKPvt.D173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
QuinnPPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
QuirkTimothyPvt.G90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RaatPeterPvt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RabbertsWPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arms and side.
RaceJonathan JCorp.A159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
RaceRobertPvt.E159th New York Inf.Wounded.
RaffertsMPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
RainceJohnPvt.K160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RairdonTimothyPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
RamsdellPhilemon WPvt. 38th Massachusetts Inf. 
RandWilliam ACorp.K16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RandallA PSgt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RandallJames JLt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RandallJedediahCapt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of wounds.
RandolphPerryPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RankerJPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
RanshurGeorgePvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
RapsherWilliamPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RawlsJacob BCapt. 5th U.S. Arty., Battery GCommander, 5th U.S. Arty., Battery G.
RaynoldM SPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
Raynor, JrJ SPvt.H53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, severe.
ReadWilliamPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
ReadyPhilipPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReaganPPvt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - mortal.
ReamanJosephPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReasJohnPvt.I161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReasJohnPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RedwoodThomasPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReedEPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded, hand.
ReedJPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ReedNathaniel KLt.C30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReedT WPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, slight.
ReedWilliamPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ReganAndrewPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RegersEdwardPvt.D48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
RehlanderCharlesPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
ReidRobert WSgt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Reidel (Reidle)GustavusPvt.H116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ReifelPeterPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
ReillyThomasPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReillyTimothyPvt.G2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - back.
ReinhardFred WLt. 4th Massachusetts BatteryCommander, 4th Mass. Battery.
ReitzgenAlbertPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
ReltrathHenryPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RemsekWinPvt.H133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RenaudClementCapt. 1st Louisiana Inf.Dismissed from service for deserting his command just before the May 27 assault.
RenfrewGeorgePvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 3, 1863.
RevitteOrviliaPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
RewitzerEnosCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
ReynoldsJPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ReynoldsJohn TSgt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ReynoldsMills SPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
ReynoldsOwenPvt.B174th New York Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ReynoldsWilliam HPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RhoadsCharles W CLt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RhodesHenryCorp.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RialdCharlesPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
Rice?Lt.B52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RiceConrad1st Sgt.F91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
RiceEdwinPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RiceJohn LCapt.H16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RiceJonathan JCorp. 159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
RiceLeonard B1st Lt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RiceThomasPvt.K128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichardJ WPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RichardsFredPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store. Died Aug. 1, 1863, Baton Rouge.
RichardsJamesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RichardsJamesPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichardsOPvt.I21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - scalp.
RichardsOPvt.I8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RichardsW H HSgt.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichardsonAPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
RichardsonCharles BPvt.C30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichardsonHCorp.A48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Contusion.
RichardsonJames PMaj. 38th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 38th Mass. after Lt. Col. Rodman was Killed on May 27.
RichardsonJoelPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichardsonJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 8, 1863.
RichardsonLewisPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
RichardsonR SPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
RichmondDuncanLt.H159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RichmondSilas WCorp.G159th New York Inf.Wounded.
RichsteigRodolphPvt.K53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
RickerJ WLt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg off, May 27, 1863.
RileyEvanPvt.K53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - seriously.
RileyMPvt.F173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RineyJohnPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RingJohn ESgt.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RinkerJacobPvt.E116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
RoachMichaelPvt.G48th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RoachMichael E.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in foot, died at Baton Rougr, July 5, 1863.
RoathEzraPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the right arm.
RobbinsEdwinPvt.C38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
RobbinsH CPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chin.
RobbinsLorenzoPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 3, 1863.
RobersonBenjaminPvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobertsAndrew JPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863.
RobertsEdwardPvt. 128th New York Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 4, 1863.
RobertsG WPvt.F114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
RobertsGeorge HPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RobertsJohnPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
RobertsJohn HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 13, 1863.
RobertsTPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
RobertsWilliamCorp.B159th New York Inf.Wounded.
RobertsonMorany JPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Robertson, Jr.JamesCorp.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobieGilbert JPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 3, 1863.
RobinioE LPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Robinson?Sgt.I173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RobinsonCharlesPvt.F161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobinsonEllis DPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobinsonGeorgePvt.B90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobinsonHaraiMaj. 1st Louisiana Cav.Commander, 1st La. Cav.
RobinsonHenryPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RobinsonJCorp.F173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
RobinsonJPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RobinsonSamuelCorp.H161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Roby?Lt. ?th Engrs. Inf.Killed.
RocheArmandPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RocheJames DCapt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
RocherWilliamPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RockwoodJoseph ACorp.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
Rodgers, RogersJohnPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the knee, May 27, 1863.
RodmanWilliam LoganLt. Col. 38th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 38th Mass. Inf. Killed on May 27, 1863.
RoeJosephPvt.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RogersGeorge WCapt. 173rd New York Inf.Commander, 173rd N.Y. after Maj. Gallway was wounded.
RogersH GSgt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
RogersPatrickPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh, flesh wound.
RolesonBenjamin FPvt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RolleFerdinandPvt.A3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RollinsBenjamin CSgt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RolphJoseph WPvt.C6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RootA HCorp.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
RootGeorge LPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 -thigh.
RootHenry LPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in leg on May 27, 1863.
RootJames EPvt.A6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RootNelsonPvt.K90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RorabackGeorgePvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RorapaughUriahSgt.E114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
RosebushMartinPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 5, 1863.
RosenkransGeorge ESgt.A161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RosensteinerNelsCorp. 165th New York Inf.Wounded/killed?
RossE PCorp.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
RossJohnPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RossWilliam HCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
RossiterCharlesPvt.H159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
RossiterSamuel HCorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the lungs and died on July 9, 1863 at Port Hudson.
RoswellJamesCorp.H174th New York Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
RourkeJerryPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RourkeTPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
RowellCharles RPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RowlandB ESgt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RoyJacquesPvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
RoyWilliamCapt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty.Commander, 1st Ind. Heavy Artillery (one company).
RttrickeyGeorge WCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand and arm on June 14, 1863.
RucktelshelHenryPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
RugglesSidney BPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RunhasCPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - since dead.
RushbrookCharlesPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
RussellE H2nd. Lt. 9th Pennsylvania Res.Staff - Acting Signal Officer, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
RussellGeorge BLt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg broken.
RussellGeorge CPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RussellJPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
Russell, JrNathanLt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm and side.
RutterCPvt.H9th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - arm.
RyanBPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
RyanDennisPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
RyanJohnPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RyanJohnPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; discharged for wounds, Apr. 9, 1864 at New Orleans.
RyanSamuelSgt.I30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
RyderDaniel BPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on July 17, 1863.
RyonsJSgt.B173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SaduskyAlbertSgt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SageClinton HCol. 110th New York Inf.Commander, 110th N.Y.
SagendorphJacobCorp.A159th New York Inf.Wounded.
SahveyJSgt.E160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Salsbury (Salisbury)AndrewCorp.F91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
SaltusEdwardCorp.F8th Vermont Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SampsonBradboidPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
SampsonJames M2nd Lt. 4th Massachusetts Inf.Captured on June 23, 1863.
SampsonNathanCorp.G114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SanbornGeoCorp.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
SanbornHarlan PPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug, 10, 1863.
SanbornJacob BCapt.H15th New Hampshire Inf.Cmdr, Co. H. Was very sick when the regiment arrived home on Aug. 8, 1863.
SanbornJamesPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 31, 1863 while en route home.
SanbornJohn HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 2, 1863.
Sanders?Pvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SandersonF LPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm amputated.
SandonBenjaminPvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SandyW HPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
SanfordBradfordSgt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SargeantZolveyPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
SaulsBurgGeorgePvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
SaundersHermanCorp.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SaundersThomasSgt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SauterEngelbertSgt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SaveryJohnCapt. 75th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SavoryThomas GPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
SawdyA JCorp.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest.
SawdyWilliam HPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SawyerArthur SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 4, 1863.
SawyerHoracePvt.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SawyerM APvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg and arm.
SawyerThomas APvt.D161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SaxbyWilliam HPvt.K91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds, Mar. 30, 1864 at New Orleans.
SaylesFrankCapt. StaffGen. Banks' staff.
ScaceJ BPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ScampmouseF LPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ScarlesH W 1st Lt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest and leg.
SchamelConradPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
SchemerhornEphraimPvt.H91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds, no date.
SchermerhornJohnPvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
SchermerhornNelson WLt.I114th New York Inf. 
ScheuWilliam HCorp.G116th New York Inf.Wounded.
SchillingAndrewPvt.H133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
SchismPhillipPvt.K91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SchleiferGeorgePvt.G133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchlesingerSamuelPvt.F25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchlosserAntonPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchmeidtLouisPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchmidtErnstPvt.C174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchmidtLCapt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the knee, May 27, 1863.
SchmilanNichoalsPvt.A90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchmoderJacobPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SchnackChristainPvt.C159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchofieldGeorge WPvt.I159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchottlerRichardPvt.I174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchregerFelixPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchriverA CPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchriverJohn RPvt.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchueNicholasSgt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchuhFrederickPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SchumakerPhilipPvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
SchwandlerThomasPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the side, back and arm, May 27, 1863.
ScottFrank NLt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ScottGeorge MonroePvt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty. 
ScottHarrison GPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 10, 1863.
ScottJohnPvt.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
ScottMSgt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand, June 7, accidental.
ScottMichaelPvt.A91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ScottMortimer HPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ScottSelleckPvt.D24th Connecticut Inf.Killed on May 24, 1863.
ScottWilliam HendersonPvt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty. 
ScovellBennettPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the thumb, May 24, 1863. Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ScovellJos ACorp.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ScriptureMyrtle DCorp.C91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds, June 16, 1863 at New Orleans.
ScuttSamuel CPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SeanJohnPvt.A173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SearleHomer W1st Lt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SearlesC MPvt.K21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the lungs, May 27, 1863.
SeaveyAlfred BLt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
SecelleTheodorePvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SeeSanfordPvt.H91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SeeleyD APvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder & leg.
SeeleyRobert RLt.I160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SeignousJohn LCorp.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of wounds.
SeldenJLt. Col. 26th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 26th Conn.
Serriler?Pvt.G90th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ServisDavid HPvt.K6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SeverenceEverett EPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
SeverinFrancoisPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SewallLPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SeymoreGeorgePvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SeymourElisha WLt.D116th New York Inf.Ordnance officer on the staff of Maj-Gen. Augur during siege.
ShadduckWPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShadenMartin JPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Shannon?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Missing or wounded.
SharpJacobLt. Col. 156th New York Inf.Commander, 156th N.Y.
ShattuckJames A (or John)Sgt.B91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShaurmanNelsonMaj. 90th New York Inf.Commander, 90th N.Y. after June 14, 1863.
ShawEdwin APvt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShawGeorgeCorp.D12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShawJacksonPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in left hand on June 14, 1863.
ShawJames WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in the wrist. Died of disease on Aug. 16, 1863.
ShawL SPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
ShawTheron CharlesPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
Shay?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
SheaMLt.I173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
SheaThomasCorp.G159th New York Inf.Wounded.
SheaThomasPvt.G159th New York Inf.Wounded in the finger, amputated, May 25, 1863.
SheaerPeterPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ShealterG WPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - arm and hip.
SheatherGeorge WPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded, died June 19,1863.
SheehanDennis JPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest, arm and leg, dangerously.
SheerMartinPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShehanJamesSgt.B14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShelleyBenjaminPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in hand on May 27, 1863.
ShelleyFrederick JCorp. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ShellhassFrederickSgt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShenkleWilliamWagonerC116th New York Inf.Taken prisoner June 30,1863, Port Hudson. Exchanged Nov. 6, 1863.
ShepardGeorgePvt.D116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ShepardJohn APvt.D133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShepardSylvester BAdjt.C91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ShepherdsonMark SCorp. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SherburneCharles GCorp.K38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
ShermanCharles ECorp.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ShermanCharles WPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store, and May 27, 1863 at Port Hudson.
ShermanEdgar JayCaptain 48th Massachusetts Inf. 
ShermanJob BSgt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ShermanR PLt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the head & shoulder, May 27, 1863.
ShermanRobert TPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded severely on May 27, 1863.
ShermanThomas WBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 2nd Division, XIX Corps. Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SherwoodJosPvt.D173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ShieldsJohnLt. 159th New York Inf.Dismissed from service for deserting his command just moments before the May 27 assault.
ShinidtLeonardPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the both legs, May 27, 1863.
ShirlandWPvt.D21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the wrist and back, May 27, 1863.
ShirleyThomasPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Died of disease.
ShliarI PeterPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ShluckMPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ShookHenryPvt.K91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; died of wounds, July 13, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
ShruberJPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ShumakerPhillipPvt.D116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store died May 22, 1863.
ShurryOttoPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
SiddersCharlesPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SiegleConradPvt.C162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SigginsThomas2nd Lt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SigginsWilliamPvt.E21st Maine Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
SimmonsGeorge FCorp.C128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SimmonsThomasPvt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SimpsonEnoch TPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SinclairJohn TPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded slightly in head on May 27, 1863.
SinclairLewis WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
SinclairWilliam TSgt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SipplesWilliam S I114th New York Inf.Killed on or about June 30, 1863.
SissonS CPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - chest.
SkinnerEdwardPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SkinnerFreemanSgt.A128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SlaterA GPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SlaterGeorgePvt. 128th New York Inf.Captured on July 1, 1863 at Port Hudson.
SlaterJ RPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SlaterTheodorePvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SmakeyJohnPvt.18th New York BatteryHurt by being thrown from horse, May 27, 1863.
SmartJ HPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - missing.
SmithAPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
SmithA BPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
SmithAbramDrummerI91st New York Inf. 
SmithAlbertSgt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on May 28.
SmithArnold MPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Deserted in June, 1863.
SmithArthur FCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 9 in New Orleans.
SmithByronPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SmithC VCorp.H116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
SmithCharlesPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
SmithCharlesPvt.K1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithCharlesPvt.K53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
SmithCharles MPvt.B177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithCollins VCorp.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SmithCurtisCorp. 8th New Hampshire Inf. 
SmithDaniel BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded, slight.
SmithE DPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slight.
SmithE FPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg and abdomen.
SmithEdwardPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithEgbertCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SmithElisha BCol. 114th New York Inf.Commander, 114th N.Y. Wounded on June 14, 1863, died a week later.
SmithF WCapt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
SmithHenryPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithIsaacPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on May 28, 1863.
SmithJPvt.H3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
SmithJSgt.C8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
SmithJ BaptistePvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJ P PPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
SmithJ TLt.H1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJamesLt. Col. 128th New York Inf.Commander, 128th N.Y. after Col. Cowles was Killed on May 27.
SmithJamesPvt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJames WSgt.I12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJasonSgt.G3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJohnPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
SmithJohnPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJohnPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
SmithJohnPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand, June 7.
SmithJohn CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 10, 1863.
SmithJohn JPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 2, 1863 while en route home.
SmithJohn SSgt.I14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithJosephPvt.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion.
SmithL LSgt.A4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
SmithLeviPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
SmithNathan GSgt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithRobert APvt.F159th New York Inf. 
SmithStephen H.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
SmithTimothyCorp.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
SmithTrumanSgt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded in head on June 14, 1863.
SmithWPvt.H173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SmithWilliamCapt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.A D C, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
SmithWilliam HPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SmithWilliam PPvt.E12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Smith, Jr.AbelCol. 165th New York Inf.Commander, 165th N.Y. Mortally Wounded on May 27th, 1863.
SmullenJosephPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded.
SneadSamuelPvt.E91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; discharged for wounds, no date.
SnowG A LCorp.A38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion.
SnowJerome B.Corp.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at New Orleans on July 10, 1863.
Snyder, SneiderPhilipPvt.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
SouthwickEdwardPvt.E48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
SpaldingStephen F1st Lt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863. Acting adujant of regiment.
SpaldingWilber FPvt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
SpanburghWilliam HSgt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
SparlingGeorge WPvt.F6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpauldingCharlesPvt.C161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpearGeorge PPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
SpearV KLt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - groin, dangerously.
Spear, 2ndJPvt.K8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded, bowels.
SpiesChristoherPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpinkElonSgt.G160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Spooner?Lt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the heel, May 27, 1863.
SpoonerDavidPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 7, 1863.
SpoonerLuciusPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - contusion in chest.
SpragueHomer BCapt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpragueOtisPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpragueSewellPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SpurrJohnPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
SquierJohn JSgt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StaatsMyronPvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
StaceyGeorge FPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StackJamesSgt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StackhouseGeorge WMaj. 91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds, June 19, 1863 at New Orleans.
StackhouseJames2nd Lt. 91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StadenOlaf WSgt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
StaffordSamuel S1st Lt.A114th New York Inf.Wounded seriously on or about June 11, 1863.
StahlJPvt.H5th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - Shoulder.
StallJacobCorp.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StambroLawson APvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - chin and shoulder.
StanbroLanson APvt.C116th New York Inf.Lost an arm June 14,1863, Port Hudson. Discharged Nov. 9,1863.
StanfordBernardPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StanfordGeorge EPvt.B131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StanganJ WCapt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863, and prisoner.
StantonWilliam LPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 10, 1863 while en route home.
StanwoodEbanCol. 48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded.
StanyonJohn Minot Capt. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
StarkHenryCapt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
SteadierWilliamPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
StearnsAPvt.D114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StearnsDanielPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 22, 1863.
StearnsMarcellus LLt.E12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StearnsWilliam ECapt.E15th New Hampshire Inf.Cmdr. of Co. E. Wounded on May 27, 1863.
StedmanG WLt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
SteersEdwardSgt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StengleMartinPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
StephensJosephPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
StephensW DPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the hand, May 27, 1863.
SternbergSeigmundLt.I175th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SterryAbner NSgt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StetsonOPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14.
StevensCharles L1st Lt.A, H14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party. Wounded in thigh on June 27, 1863, died on July 24.
StevensG EPvt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the finger, May 27, 1863.
StevensJohnPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
StevensSimeonPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StevensWilliam APvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
StevensWilliam SSgt. Maj. 3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StevensWilliam TPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 2, 1863 while en route home.
Stevens, Jr.Samuel HPvt.B177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StewartAlexPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StewartJames MLt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StewartJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 31, 1863 while en route home.
StickeveerJohnPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
SticklerChesterPvt.I91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; discharged for wounds, Aug. 17, 1863 at Carrolton, La.
StickneyAug GPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger shot off.
StickneyC RSgt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StickneyCharles HPvt.F50th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the ankle, May 27, 1863.
StillickW PPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
StinesAlexanderPvt. 1st Indiana Hvy. Arty.Killed on June 24, 1863.
StockwellD PSgt.G53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - abdomen, severe.
StoddardHorace BPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StoddardJosephPvt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
StoneCharles PBrig. Gen. StaffChief of Staff to Gen. Banks.
StoneEben FCol. 48th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 48th Mass.
StoneEdwardPvt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StoneJoel FSgt.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the groin, May 27, 1863.
StoneLeviPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
StoreyJohnPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StorkHerman  3rd Massachusetts? Inf.Killed.
StoryGeorge  128th New York Inf. 
StoughtonJohnCorp.E114th New York Inf.Breached the Confederate defences at Priest Cap and was taken prisoner on June 14, 1863.
StowellCyrus OCorp. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed July 6, 1863.
StraisingCharlesPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded in the fingers, May 27, 1863.
StrattonF ECorp.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
StrattonH HPvt.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
StrattonJoel ACapt.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, severely.
StrattonWilliamCorp.K133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StrawnCharlesMaj. 161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StricklandJosephLt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Killed by a gunshot to the head during the assault on Priest Cap on June 14, 1863.
StringBenjaminPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StrivingerJohnPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
StrongCLt.24th Connecticut Inf.(Adj.) Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
StrongCharlesPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
StrongD CPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
StrongEdward BPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded July 1, 1863.
StrongJames NSgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf. 
StrongJoseph WSgt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died on Aug. 14, 1863 while en route home.
Stronger?Pvt.K173rd New York Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
StumpCharlesPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SturgesMorrellPvt.I114th New York Inf.Wounded on or about June 30, 1863, died several days later.
SturgisFrederick LPvt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SturtevantSamuel LPvt.B49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the toe, May 27, 1863.
SuarmanJohnPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SuberAnson FPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SullivanJPvt.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SullivanJamesPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SullivanJohn T1st Sgt.G1st Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
SullivanM TPvt.A8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
SullyLorenzoCorp.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Sumner?Col.49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
SumnerAlbertCorp.B114th New York Inf.Wounded in hand on June 14, 1863.
SumnerSamuel BLt. Col. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SutherlandGeorgePvt.C30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SvensonSvenPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SwainBenjamin FPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 28, 1863 while en route home.
SwainCharles FCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 13, 1863.
SwainGeorge MPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on Aug. 4, 1863.
SwainJeremiah JSgt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
SwainJosiahPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 5, 1863 while en route home.
SwainSamuel TPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in head on June 14, 1863.
SwartzChristianPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded, slightly.
SweeneyHughPvt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
SweeneyOsbornPvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SweenyPatrickPvt.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SweetBenjamin RPvt. 26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the leg on June 14, 1863.
SweetJ SPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
SwensonAugustusPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
SwiftJohn LCapt.C3rd Massachusetts Cav.Staff - "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
SwiftNathaniel JPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store and died July, 1863 at Baton Rouge.
TaborWPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
TaborWilliamPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, July, 1863.
TaggertRobert TPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
TallerJohnPvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TallmanJ CSgt.F114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TappenEdmond SPvt.G50th Massachusetts Inf. 
Tarbell…tianLt. Col. 91st New York Inf. 
TarbellC FPvt.D21st Maine Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863. Died in hospital, May, 1863.
TarbellJohn EPvt.A15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863. Died of disease on July 31, 1863 on steamer en route home.
TarboxC DPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
TatorJohnPvt. 159th New York Inf.Wounded.
TatorWilliamPvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
TattJ KCapt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg amputated.
Taylor?Pvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TaylorBarton WPvt.H91st New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
TaylorC MPvt.D133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TaylorCharles HPvt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - collar bone.
TaylorGeorge ESgt.H24th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TaylorHenrySgt.A4th Massachusetts Inf. 
TaylorJohnPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed July 3, 1863.
TaylorJohnPvt.B159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TaylorJohnPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on June 8, 1863.
TaylorRoswellCorp.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TaylorSamuelSgt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TaylorSamuel J.B.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at New Orleans, July 15, 1863.
TaylorWilliam BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 5, 1863.
TayorJosephPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TefftC BPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
TenneyGeorge FPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 21, 1863.
TerwilligerArchibaldCorp.E156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TerwilligerRobert TCorp.E53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
TewksburyE FCorp.F48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shot off his forefinger on his right hand to escape military duty.
TewksburyS FPvt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
ThadduckWilliamPvt.C156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThalmannJohn GPvt.F162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThayerCharlesPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ThayerSamuel JPvt.B21st Maine Inf. 
ThayerSilas L.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in arm.
ThealeDanielPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TheudanJnoPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - fing'r.
ThingCharles WSgt. Maj.F14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
thirdWilliam Parker,Sgt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
ThomasEdward OPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThomasF NCorp.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
ThomasJ WPvt.E3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThomasSanfordCorp.I116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
ThomasStephenCapt. 12th Connecticut Inf.Wounded.
ThominickECorp.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThompsonAlbert FPvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThompsonCharles NPvt.G174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThompsonDanielPvt.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThompsonGeorgeLt. 8th New Hampshire Inf.Killed.
ThompsonHenry JPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
ThompsonJPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
ThompsonJohnPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
ThompsonJohnCorp.K53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
ThompsonJosiah DPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf. 
ThorlingtonWilliamPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThorntonAlvinCorp.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863.
ThorntonHenry HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in forehead on May 27, 1863.
ThorntonJohn LSgt.G91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
ThorpJohnPvt.E159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ThorpeGould HCapt. 165th New York Inf.Wounded.
ThrasherJ HPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
ThurstonJames CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 15, 1863.
TibbetsCharles ELt.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TibbettsWilliamSgt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
TibbettsWilliam NPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TiceWendellPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
TiemanCharlesPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TiemannJulius HLt. 159th New York Inf.Staff - A A D C, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
TiemannWilliam1st Lt. 159th New York Inf. 
TiernonBartleyPvt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TimNicholasPvt.D2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
TinkerSebree WPvt.G13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TitusPlattCapt.C114th New York Inf. 
TobinWilliamPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Todd?Capt.K48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - tongue and mouth.
ToddFrancis EPvt.K6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TolmanOtis S.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in arm.
TompkinsJeddiahPvt.G177th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TompkinsSamuel CSgt.F159th New York Inf.Wounded.
TookerCyrusPvt.F133rd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ToolrigTimothyPvt.B38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
TooweyGeorgePvt.B30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TorranceJamesOrd. Sgt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Killed on May 24, 1863.
ToserBartholomeyPvt.F159th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TowneGeorge DCorp.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
TownsendC WSgt.I133rd New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TownsendJohn EPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh, flesh wound.
TownsendSamuelSgt.E91st New York Inf.Promoted Color Sergeant for distinguished bravery, May 27, 1863, and June 14, 1863; severely wounded, died of his wounds, August 1, 1863, at New Orleans.
TownsendWilliam CCorp.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TraceyC ALt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TracyT JCorp.C21st Maine Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
TrarerHenryPvt.H116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TraskAlexanderPvt.B21st Maine Inf. 
TraskW SLt.H6th Michigan Inf. 
TrembleAndrewPvt.K91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died of wounds, July 12, 1863 at New Orleans.
TrevittLobeski CPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
TrippJohnPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
TrofatterElias APvt.A50th Massachusetts Inf.Died July 30, 1863 while en route home.
TroganzaAmosPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
TrosclairPaul EPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TrumbullAlbert CPvt.K159th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863; died June 24, 1863.
TscholeJacobPvt.H116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TubbsEdward SCorp.G50th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TuckerAlbert MPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in head on May 27, 1863.
TuckerCharles ECapt.G114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TuckerElias HPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TuckerJ HPvt.K133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
TuckerJosephLt. Col. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store.
TuckerWilliam HPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TucklyJ PSgt.G8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
TuftsJohnPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the leg.
TuggeyWilliamPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the neck, May 27, 1863.
TummormanChanceyPvt.K4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - ankle and leg.
TupperJ PPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
TurnerCharlesPvt. 114th New York Inf.Executed on Dec. 28, 1864 for abandoning his picket post in June, 1863 at Port Hudson.
TurnerDaniel W2nd Lt.A114th New York Inf.Later promoted to Captain of Co. A.
TuttleMoses H1st Sgt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the shoulder, May 27, 1863.
TwiggsIsaacPvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TwilightGeorge B PPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Wounded July 5, and died on July 12, 1863.
TwitchellGeorge HPvt.H13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TylerColonelPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
TylerGeorgePvt.F2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TylerHenrySgt.H12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TylerMartinPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
TyrrellLevi LPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 16, 1863.
UgglaWilliamCorp,H159th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
UllmanDanielBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, Corps D'Afrique.
UlrichCharles FSgt. Maj. 25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
UnderhillCharles W1st Lt.G114th New York Inf.Later promoted to Captain of Co. G.
UphamN BradleyPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
UpsonHenryChaplin 13th Connecticut Inf. 
UrwilerJacobPvt.E6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
UtleyE MPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head.
UtterC DPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
VailEdwardPvt.I159th New York Inf.Wounded.
ValeJohn HPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
ValunPeterPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Van AlstyneLawrenceQm. Sgt. 128th New York Inf. 
Van AlstyneWilliamSgt.D91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Van AmburgKPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Van AmstedWPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
Van BramerHarrisonPvt.B53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
Van DersyeSPvt.A133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Van DeusenWilliam JLt.A160st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Van KirkJPvt.I4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - Wrist.
Van PettenJohn BLt. Col. 160th New York Inf.Commander, 160th N.Y., and Commander, 1st Battalion, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
Van SlyckCharles LLt. Col. 128th New York Inf.Wounded.
Van TuylBenjamin TSgt.A161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Van ValkenburghCorneliusPvt.C159th New York Inf.Wounded.
Van ValkenburghRobert ECorp. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
Van WortDanielPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Van WyckJohn HLt.G162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Van ZandtJacobCol. 91st New York Inf.Commander, 91st N.Y.
VandenburgRPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm June 10.
VandergawFrancisCorp.K159th New York Inf.Wounded.
VanderpoolGarrettPvt.H91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 25, 1863; died of wounds, no date.
VandykeIsaacPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in face on May 27, 1863.
VassEdwardPvt.A165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
VeighJosephPvt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
VelasagnerPabloPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
VeliscrossJohnPvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
VeroWilliamPvt.E165th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
VincentJohnPvt.H49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
VincentPlatt FCorp.C91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
VogelJosephPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
VosbeyHPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
VosburgWilliam  75th New York Inf.Killed.
VosburghEPvt.I127th New York Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
VosburghHermanPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hip on June 14, 1863.
VoseJ H1st Lt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast, severe.
WadeFrank SPvt.K21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WadleighAndrew PPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863.
WadsworthAnselCapt.G26th Maine Inf. 
WagleJ ACorp.E173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
Wahley, WahlyHenry Sgt.H116th NY Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
WaiteGeorge WCorp.E162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WaitzJohnPvt.C173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WaldronFrederickPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863. Died afterwards.
WalkerDuncan SCapt. StaffGen. Banks' staff, and staff - Asst. Adjutant-General, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
WalkerHenryCol. 4th Massachusetts Inf.Commander, 4th Mass. Inf.
WalkerMadison OSgt. 6th Michigan Inf. 
WallMathewPvt.K91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WallaceA WLt. 21st Maine Inf. 
WallaceHCorp.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, alight.
WallaceJos CPvt.E91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WallaceSylvester BPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 13, 1863 and died at Port Hudson on June 15, 1863.
WallaceWallaceLt.A21st Maine Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
WallenGeorgePvt.K49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the leg, May 27, 1863.
WallingfordJohn O2nd Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WallisJLt.F8th New Hampshire Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
WallisJohnSgt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - pelvis.
WalseRalemyPvt.H1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WalshThomasPvt.I48th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
Walsh (Welch)RichardPvt.E91st New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
Walso?Sgt.B48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
WalterCharlesPvt.E2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WaltersLouisPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WaltonJohn HPvt.A48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
WamsleyJohn APvt.H128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WandsJames ESgt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863; died of wounds, June 15, 1863.
WandsJames MPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WardDavid T.Sgt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in shoulder.
WardHenry CLt. 25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WarnerAlexanderLt. Col. 13th Connecticut Inf. 
WarnerHenry ESgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
WarnerJohn VPvt. 13th Massachusetts BatteryVolunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WarrenFrancis ECorp. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Won Medal of Honor for actions at Port Hudson, May 27, 1863.
WarrenSilas ESgt.K161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WarrenThomas ASgt.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WashburnAustinPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WashburnDon CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 22, 1863.
WashburnSimonPvt.B156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WashburneE RCapt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg, severe.
WashingtonGeorgePvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WaterhouseGeorgePvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WatermanA Sgt.F24th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the head slightly, May 24, 1863.
WatersJames VPvt.A50th Massachusetts Inf.Died Aug. 1, 1863 while en route home.
WatersJohnCorp.H2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
WatersWilliamPvt.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded slightly on May 27, 1863.
WatkinsGeorge WPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WatkinsWillard LPvt.A49th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WatsonAndrew PPvt.C21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WatsonJamesPvt.I156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WatsonRichardPvt.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WebbAmaziah WPvt.K22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WebbWilliam LPvt.F13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WebberFrederickPvt.E116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
Weber?Adjutant StaffCol. Dudley's staff.
WebsterAlbertPvt.A14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WebsterSamuelPvt.A91st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WebsterThoeodorePvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WechJPvt.H48th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the knee, May 27, 1863.
WedgeRobertPvt.E114th New York Inf.Hurt by fall on June 14, 1863.
WedgewoodGeorge EPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
WeedFrancis ECorp.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeedJohnPvt. 13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WeedTheodorePvt.G6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeeksCharles WPvt.C131st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeeksEdmond CActing Master U.S. NavyStaff - A D C, "Forlorn Hope" volunteer storming party.
WeeksJoseph WPvt.G12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeeksLeonardPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 29, 1863.
WeeksNoah MPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Killed by a shell on June 3, 1863.
WehlAlexanderPvt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeingardnerFelixPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded in the thigh, May 27, 1863.
WeissengerDavidCorp.K116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WeitzelGodfreyBrig. Gen. StaffCommander, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division. Also commanded entire right flank of the Union forces.
WelchGeorgeCorp.I162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WelchHiramPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in arm and shoulder on May 27, 1863.
WelchHomer MCorp.C13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WelchJPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WelchJohnPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WeldMason CLt. Col. 25th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 25th Conn.
WeldenEdwardPvt.D13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WellerJohnPvt.A12th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WellsByrnePvt.I173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WellsFrankLt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WellsHPvt.A52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WellsHenryLt.G173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wounded in leg.
WellsJ HPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Sprained ankle, May 27, 1863.
WelshJohnSgt.B91st New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WelshingJPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WeltonDavid WPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in hand on June 14, 1863.
WendlandtJuliusPvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WentworthHenry AAdjutant 50th Massachusetts Inf. 
WentworthHenry DPvt.D49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in abdomen on May 27, 1863. Died.
WentworthLarra E.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in hand.
WentworthNelsonPvt.F30th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
WescomeWilliam BMaj. 28th Connecticut Inf.Commander, 28th Conn.
WesnerCharlesPvt.K2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thigh.
WestJohn DPvt.B114th New York Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WestonAlfredPvt.I38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
WestonCharles BSgt.K156th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WetchN NPvt.B8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
WheelerAlonzoSgt.B13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WheelerAugustusPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, serious.
WheelerHPvt.A21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the jaw, May 27, 1863.
WheelerHiram SCapt.I114th New York Inf. 
WheelerMark HPvt. 28th Connecticut Inf.Killed.
WheelerR GPvt.B114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WheelerR WPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - shoulder.
WhelandJ CPvt.F21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the head, May 27, 1863.
WhiddenJohn SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 2, 1863 while en route home.
WhillistonThomasPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - wrist.
WhippleRussellPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WhitcherJohn SPvt.I116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WhitcombA CSgt.H6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhitcombWPvt.A52nd Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
White?Corp. G38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side.
White?Pvt.C3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhiteAndrewCorp.D91st New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WhiteC TPvt.F114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
WhiteE OPvt.D4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WhiteEdwardPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on June 25, 1863.
WhiteHenryPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
WhiteHiram H.Pvt.A4th Massachusetts Inf.Died at New Orleans, June 19, 1863.
WhiteJeffersonCorp.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WhiteMartinPvt.C1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhiteN WPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
WhiteSamuel CPvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast.
WhiteWilliam WPvt.A116th New York Inf.Killed on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
WhitemanHenryPvt.I13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhitingSolomon ESgt.H12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhitingTFCorp.C38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
WhitmoreSamuelPvt.G116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WhitneyE CCorp.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm, slight.
WhitneyHenry HPvt.D53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger shot off.
WhitneyPorter JPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Killed on June 11, 1863.
WhittakerDaniel BPvt. 52nd Massachusetts Inf.Died at Port Hudson on July 22, 1863.
WhittemoreJacob IPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Severe wound in foot May 27, 1863.
WhittierElias SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 14, 1863 at Port Hudson.
WidgerC LCorp.I114th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilburCharles FCorp. 128th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863.
WilburWilliam LPvt.E49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in thigh on May 27, 1863.
WilcexGeoPvt.B4th Wisconsin Inf.Reported missing after battle of June 14, 1863.
WilcoxCharlesPvt.A31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - right hand.
WilcoxR HPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Missing at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
WilcoxSam SPvt.C24th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the neck, May 24, 1863.
WilderJohn EPvt.F53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hand.
WildmanWilliamSgt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WileyEdward JPvt.B16th New Hampshire Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilkersonCharlesPvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilkieWilliamPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilkinsonRobert FCapt. 128th New York Inf. 
WillardJPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - foot.
WillardJacobPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 6, 1863 en route home.
WillcoxRPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - leg.
WilleyCharles HPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died on June 20, 1863.
WilleyDavid SPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in leg on June 13, 1863.
WilleyWentworthPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Aug. 3, 1863 while en route home.
Williams?Pvt.I3rd Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilliamsAbner MPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
WilliamsBenjaminHosp. Steward 26th Maine Inf. 
WilliamsCPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the foot, May 27, 1863.
WilliamsCornelius BPvt. 128th New York Inf.Killed on May 27, 1863.
WilliamsJohnPvt.H25th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilliamsJohnPvt.D31st Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - breast, died.
WilliamsMPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
WilliamsThomasPvt.E174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilliamsThomas HPvt.G133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
WilsonA EPvt.F4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
WilsonAlexSgt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonAugustPvt.E13th Connecticut Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863. Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonCharles PPvt.D128th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonGeorgePvt.H3rd Massachusetts Cav.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonHenryPvt. 22nd Maine Inf.Killed.
WilsonJohnPvt.H30th Massachusetts Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonSamuelPvt.B133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely.
WilsonSamuelSgt.A174th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WilsonW FSgt.F38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - head, hand and leg.
WindsorFrederickSurgeon 49th Massachusetts Inf. 
WinellHenryPvt.G116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store, died May 22, 1863.
WingateAlbert EPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease at Port Hudson on July 12, 1863.
WinkCharles EPvt.I49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded in the hand on June 14, 1863.
WinserEldridgePvt.D38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - ankle.
WinslowGeorge HSgt.K13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WinslowHiram CSgt.B21st Maine Inf. 
WintersH CPvt.C49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - finger, arm and chin.
WintersHenry CPvt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WisingDavidPvt.K116th New York Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
WisnerJohn HCorp.K6th Michigan Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WithamElliotPvt.K14th Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WoehnertJohn GSgt.H116th New York Inf.Wounded in the shoulder and arm, May 27, 1863.
WoestendickArnoldSgt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WogieHPvt.I173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
WolcotJoseph B1st Sgt. 49th Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 23, 1863 by a sharpshooter.
WolfAndrusPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store.
WolfFrancis JCorp.A13th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WolfeAPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
WolfePPvt.C2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded in the arm, May 27, 1863.
WoodElbridge G1st Lt.K15th New Hampshire Inf. 
WoodHenry LSgt.E22rd Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WoodLeroy BPvt.G114th New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - knee.
WoodRufusCorp.I133rd New York Inf.Wounded, severely on May 30, later died.
WoodWilliamPvt.I1st Louisiana Nat. Grds.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WoodcockLeanderPvt.G21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WoodersonEphraimPvt.A116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 27, 1863 and died June 10, 1863 in New Orleans.
WoodingH Sgt.I24th Connecticut Inf.Wounded in the heel severely, May 24, 1863.
WoodlinGeorge HPvt. 128th New York Inf.Wounded.
WoodmanEphriam WCol. 28th Maine Inf.Commander, 28th Maine (detachment).
WoodmanPPvt.Co.12th Maine Inf.Wounded in the head, May 25, 1863.
WoodridgeWilliamPvt.A53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - side, severe. Died.
WoodruffHenryPvt. 8th Vermont Inf.Died of disease on July 4, 1863.
WoodsE PPvt.E31st Massachusetts Inf.Killed on June 14, 1863.
WoodsFrank CPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on Sept. 18, 1863.
WoodsJ PAmb. Steward 31st Massachusetts Inf. 
WoodwardAPvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
WoodwardJ TAdjt.21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the knee slight, May 27, 1863.
WoodwardJehialCorp.B116th New York Inf.Wounded, bet. May 27 and June 14 - slight.
WoodwardJohn PPvt.C12th Connecticut Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WoodworthC ACorp.C53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - throat, severely.
WorthingJohn Putnum1st Lt. 161st New York Inf. 
WrightCharlesPvt.I75th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WrightDanielPvt.F116th New York Inf.Wounded on May 21, 1863 at Plains Store, died of wounds.
WrightJPvt.E8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
WrightJ NPvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded and missing, June 14, 1863.
WrightThomasPvt.I53rd Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - slightly.
WurtzBalthazarPvt.B159th New York Inf.Wounded.
WyattHenry D1st Lt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded in arm on May 27, 1863.
WymanThomasPvt.H21st Maine Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
WymanWilliam WSgt.B21st Maine Inf.Wounded in the shoulder May 27, 1863 and died on July 1, 1863.
YorkEdwinPvt.K26th Connecticut Inf.Wounded, slight.
YorkJamesSgt.I1st Louisiana Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
YoungAPvt.D8th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - hip.
YoungCharlesPvt.I2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
YoungCharlesSgt.G38th Massachusetts Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - arm.
YoungGeorge FPvt. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Died of disease on July 28, 1863 while en route home.
YoungHanson HCorp. 15th New Hampshire Inf.Wounded.
YoungJohn FPvt.H161st New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
YoungLewisPvt.K162nd New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.
YoungSamuelPvt.C116th New York Inf.Wounded in the ankle, May 27, 1863.
YoungWilliamCorp.H4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863 - thumb.
YundMPvt.K173rd New York Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ZanoniAlexanderPvt.B2nd Louisiana Inf.Wounded at Plains Store, May 21, 1863.
ZebJohnPvt.E4th Wisconsin Inf.Wounded on June 14, 1863.
ZulavskyLadislasLt. Col. 10th Corps D'Afrique Inf.Commander, 10th Inf., Corps D'Afrique.
ZumsteinJacobPvt.H116th New York Inf.Volunteered for "Forlorn Hope" storming party.

Port Hudson Home | Union Army Units