Colonel Benjamin W. Johnson's Report on Fort Desperate - Page 2


Original Page:

consist of my own regt.- 15th Ark. and a

section of Captain Herod's battery of light artilery

under the command of Lieut. Edrington with two gun

detachments numbering about twenty five men.

I had only two hundred and sixty two men

(infantry) rank and file for duty in my regiment,

and thirty one commissioned officers.

The position was wholy without earthworks

or fortifications of any kind. Lieuts Dabney and

Fenth [?] located a line of earthworks on the north

side of my camp - a more full description of

which will soon fully appear by their report to

you - as engineers. I at once ordered my men [?] entire

Regt. to work upon this line, as it was planned &

so continued to work until the evening of the 24th

of May. I was during this time assisted by dif-

ferent fatigue parties from other commands who

continued to assist me up to the night of the 26th

May, after which time I received no assistance,

but furnished a detail to work elsewhere myself

On the evening of the 24th May my working parties

were driven from their work by the skirmishes of the

the enemy who had approached within four hundred yards

of my line. I ordered Captain Franklin with his company

- Co. C. - of my regt. to engage and drive the enemy from

my front and keep him off until dark.


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